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Death Strain . hype or real deal?

jedisushi06 said:
I'm doubting it will be released any time soon.  
I agree.  Why show a pod that a handful of people may or not be growing.  Why not wait till it's going out to market.  It does make people curious though!
Pre marketing, just using a different tact than they did with the weaper. Same deal
Can't take the slobber bucket.
"Real" chileheads don't spit, they swallow. :shocked:
Seems like cheating a bit to me.
As for the pepper, I actually like the taste of the Reaper, and why would a grower spend the money to have an unstable strain tested?
Unless the cost has come down to something reasonable enough to do so, then I could justify it for curiosity's sake
and why would a grower spend the money to have an unstable strain tested?
Well if youre trying to create the worlds hottest, it would be pretty risky not to test if it takes 7-8 years to get stable.
I dont know, I'm not going to pass judgment on hype or not. I've seen a lot of Teds reviews and they seem consistant with what I would expect from the pods being reviewed.I know one thing for sure though. I wouldn't chomp on some of the (whole) pods he has. But.then, I dont know if I will ever be one to surf the lava flow.
Yay the Buda hand citrus be with you, I think that there is to much hype about it for a pepper that has not been releast yet, just look at all the hype and wars caused by the Reaper.
No use getting all excited over it yet.
Hmm, I seem to recall reading a post from someone who said they were a close friend of Ed that the death strain will not be released to the public and is only for cancer research. (Strain 1 or 2?)
(I'm new here, so I'm looking evenly all over the forums to learn, and the above may be from an old post - in that case, please forgive me !)
Personally, I'm a little intrigued at Ed's words in a recent article from The New Yorker - "We have one hundred and sixty two hotter ones yet to come".
Where might the death strain be in that ordering of things ?
jedisushi06, on 11 Oct 2013 - 2:21 PM, said:
jedisushi06 said:
How do you know?
I asked Ed Currie that question about 6 mos ago. He said in about a year or two.
Just wondering - Ted says the Death Strain tastes pretty awful. 
So, did Ed say what the anticipated market is for this new creation? Just those looking for the next "hottest", or something else ....
Bear in mind, the argument has been put forth before - one chilli not hot enough for you? Use two, or three, or ...
Perhaps the Death Strain is for people who want "gnarly" looking pods, but there's plenty of those already.
So, again, in a crowded market place, you have to offer something unique. In summary, other than heat, what does the Death Strain bring ?
I guess we will know if one or two years, if it's released to the general public.
(I have seen Ted Barrus review a few different HP22B crosses, but this creation by Ed Currie is something I would be more interested in since I don't know what it is that could cause a pepper to taste "feral" :rofl: )
KingChile said:
I hate when people describe a chile as "gnarly" it's so over used it's starting to get annoying
Yes me too I also hate when someone says it hits the back of the throat every review they do!! Then don't describe what type of mouth burn it is its very misleading to new people who think it will only hit the throat. Also hate puking like I understand one or two reviews because it has happened to me with one pepper but every review it just gets ridiculous.
hype mumbo jumbo...the reaper still isnt even as stable as they claim it to be. what makes you think these less stable off shoot variations would be any better?
KingChile said:
lol now bishop brad is doing it too
haven't seen it
7potquezada said:
hype mumbo jumbo...the reaper still isnt even as stable as they claim it to be. what makes you think these less stable off shoot variations would be any better?
how much $ you got to make it stable, and time>???