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Definitive - Hot Peppers Book

Hi all,:lol: I was wondering ; about, a definitive Hot peppers Book ...i.e. ALL INCLUSIVE complete with pics and all pertinent info. size of plant . fruit description, best climate Zone , ya know the true skinny , so to speak. I have not seen this question specifically all the information I'm looking for in one book... could also be a on-line data base for sure too!! :onfire: Looking foreward to the response's .........cRAYZy:cheers:
"The Complete Chile Pepper Book: A Gardener's Guide to Choosing, Growing, Preserving, and Cooking" (2009) by Paul Bosland and Dave DeWitt is probably the best book I've seen regarding chile peppers. Unfortunately, like most pepper books, it's 25% recipes, but the other 75% gets into quite a bit without getting too complicated.

Covers a lot of stuff right down to testing done on whether seeds show better germination if soaked before sowing, what soil and light is important, diseases, fetilization etc. It covers a lot of the characteristics of different peppers specifically geared towards gardening with quite a few pics.

Also talks about the process they took to test the Bhut Jolokia as well. Interesting book even if you've already mastered the art.

I'd recommend it for sure.
I just logged into my local public library website and did a search, they have 2 copies(one is located close to my house), both are checked out, think I will check online and watch for it to become available and take it out.
I did an online search on Chapters website and 0 copies.
I just purchased a used copy yesterday from Alibris. Read a few of the reviews from Amazon...hopefully, I'm not disappointed.
I think this is one of those types of books that not only the average pepper grower can use as a reference guide but as a coffee table top book, once it goes on clearance type prices you could purchase several and give them away as gifts.
Dr. Paul Bosland, cofounder of the chili pepper institute at New Mexico State University has several books on the capsicum subject ..... the guy just knows! He leads chili breeding and genetics... the guy just knows!
I bought a copy a few months back, and with one tiny complaint (it does become a giant ad for Numex Pepper varieties, since most of them make up their top 100, but who can blame them. Both authors are from the NM Chile Pepper Institute), the book is actually a wonderful read. You can see most of it on google scholar:


There are two other really good books by Jean Andrews if you're interested in the history of capsicums. One of them is also on Google Scholar:

http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=...age&q=The Complete Chilli Pepper Book&f=false

Hey aji chombo...what's up? download this book hermano!!!

Crayzy i'm reading one in spanish...very good book...i was looking for a english translation so i can link you to it... but did not find any...but this is a very complete book , it's online in google book library in spanish...

Hector, been reading the pages on google scholar from your link.

Esta fenomenal ese libro!

I tried to see what it was going for on Amazon... £254.00 :shocked:

Gonna have to wait until I win the lotto.

Might see if I can find a way to get a copy using my 'librarian skills' from another library to give it a good read over.

Really good stuff. Fantastic book. :)
Burning Colon said:
I just logged into my local public library website and did a search, they have 2 copies(one is located close to my house), both are checked out, think I will check online and watch for it to become available and take it out.
I did an online search on Chapters website and 0 copies.

Search for "The Pepper Garden" by the same authors (Bosland and DeWitt). It is essentially the same book, just older. My library has it, but not "The Complete Chile Pepper Book".

I bought TCCPB after reading "The Pepper Garden".
Just got my copy a day ago....it was WAYYYY better than I even anticipated, which isn't very high considering most books.
I stopped into my local library and found the book had been checked in, I briefed through the pages, the book is okay, but not something I would purchase at list price just to have a book.
With the wealth of information in the THP and a couple of other websites, I don't think I need this book on my bookshelf.
I didn't check the book out but if I walked into Chapters one day and saw several copies for $4.99 clearance, I would buy them and give them away as gifts.