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Denoding? Is is worth it?

So im growing hungarian hot wax peppers in the greenhouse at my school. And i started them pretty damn early, so they are getting really big already. they are already like 8 inches tall and branching and they already have flowers. I still have two months before i can plant them outside and i was wondering if i should let them try to grow peppers or if i should pinch off the buds like some people on here have been saying is useful. If i should denode my plants for how long should i do this? And how would i go about doing that so that i didnt harm the plant? I need answers on this right away as my peppers are growing super fast because they are in optimal conditions.


I would pinch for sure. 8" is tall, but some peppers can get as big as 8' so it's actually not that big. I pinched mine until it got to about 2' and then gave it ferts focused for fruiting and the thing exploded. 2 years later and I still have more than enough powder.
If ya want more produce (fruit) then pinch. Me I don't normally pinch cause It's not a business- I grow for the joy of growing.:)
I would pinch for sure. 8" is tall, but some peppers can get as big as 8' so it's actually not that big. I pinched mine until it got to about 2' and then gave it ferts focused for fruiting and the thing exploded. 2 years later and I still have more than enough powder.

When you say pinch do you mean pinch the growing tip or pinch of the flower?
what is the purpose of pinching? So that the plant doesnt grow taller? Or are you pinching off the peppers because all you want is the plant?

I believe the theory behind it is that it makes the plant focus its resources on growing larger, instead of growing fruit. Once it gets to a suitable size, then stop pinching the buds, and it grows a larger amount of fruit in the long run due to being a larger plant overall.

That of course is what i got out of reading lately, because my Douglah has started forming buds, and is only 8 inches or so. Im sure more ppl will chime in with thier personnel experience.
I believe the theory behind it is that it makes the plant focus its resources on growing larger, instead of growing fruit. Once it gets to a suitable size, then stop pinching the buds, and it grows a larger amount of fruit in the long run due to being a larger plant overall.

That of course is what i got out of reading lately, because my Douglah has started forming buds, and is only 8 inches or so. Im sure more ppl will chime in with thier personnel experience.

Ya u nailedit due. its so the plant will focus its energy on growing leaves and spaces to grow fruits insteasd of just being a small plant with one big pepper. I believe its a good idead and it makes a lot of sense
I always pinch early large pod type annuum flowers/pods. Otherwise you may end up with a very small plant with a few pods weighing it down. Chinenses I never worry about, I let them do their own thing
i wondered why only half my plants had pods and only 1/4 of them were 2 feet tall thanks for helping me :)

so judging by this picture, am i too late to start pinching and how do i pinch it? just pinch it until it rips off?