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Derek's Pizza Thread v1.0

Hey gang, I've decided that every time I make a pie I'm going to take photo's for a step by step process and this thread will be for experimentation and pictures.

Tomorrow I'll be making another pizza once I get some more ingredients for the dough. it will have a lot of toppings.

So keep an eye on this thread :)
For what its worth it's peter jacksons first movie, Bad Taste. Filmed every sunday for about 4 years. I think its a excellent movie. And jacksons gone on do to some good things since. Lord of the rings trilogy etc
I did warn u to jump to the 7 minute mark :)
Here's what I've had to day for lunch & dinner along with hummus.


The pizza has feta cheese, 3 handfuls
Green onions "leeks" 2 handfuls
Normal Onions 3 handfuls
Green Peppers 2 handfuls
Red Peppers 2 handfuls
Some little green hot pepper "a little hotter then jalapeno but not by much "1 handful"
and 3 handfuls of hamburger drained.
ExtremeBurn said:
Looks good! Any germination yet?

moyboy said:
You always manage to make a good looking pizza mate...
Thanks guys, And EB no germs yet, but I know I will have some in my new green house kit, I've decided I want some poblanos, Animus chillies, and chayanne peppers,

By the way I can't really spell the one chillie pepper that's small skinny and its very green, That's the one I have on my pie.
Nice looking pizzas, but where's the mozzarella?? ;)

It's also fun to use a hotsauce as a pizza sauce...one I found fun was taking a bunch of El Yucateco XXXtra Hot Habanero Sauce and mixing it with a basic tomato/pizza sauce. Especially good with mushroom and sausage because of the smokeyness of the hab sauce. :D

Also, Naga Mama is good on anything. As are fresh habs.
QuadShotz said:
Nice looking pizzas, but where's the mozzarella?? ;)

It's also fun to use a hotsauce as a pizza sauce...one I found fun was taking a bunch of El Yucateco eXXXtra Picante Salsa Kutbil-ik de Chile Habanero and mixing it with a basic tomato/pizza sauce. Especially good with mushroom and sausage because of the smokeyness of the hab sauce. :D
Mozzy I forgot to buy some, Wow Quads your crazy too but I must try that one day.

Next slice of pizza I eat I'll lather the hab sauce all over the slice.

By the way this pie was SOOOOOOOOOO filling I still have half of it left.
Cheeseless pizza?! What is this the moyboy diet?
thehotpepper.com said:
Good man.
thanks LOL, Only reason it doesn't appeer to be a lot of cheese because I ran out of it and I only had a few handful left of the cheese. "Dang poblanos took the rest of the cheese lol"
melv1n said:
I cant do that. Im a Derek. Derek's dont run.

Great pizza too.


Someone else in the world has seen Bad Taste!!!

Astro Investigational Defense Service... I wish they'd change that name!

What ah you dooty hooers doin on my planet??