Devil's Horn from Judy

These pods were picked about 1/2 hour ago and have ripened VERY slowly over the last few weeks, but the size and colour are both pretty good !

Very nice! It looks almost naga-like or Bhut-like. I wonder what the genetics actually are. Great job!

Those look great! Have a bunch of green pods on mine waiting to ripe. A few of the Devil's Hearts starting to turn too.
Here's my description of the taste test, but bear in mind I'm no professional on the topic !
Smell - sweet, floral - reminiscent of Passionfruit. My nose felt the burn, especially toward the inside (septum), even though I really didn't get the perception of heat from the smell.
Taste - sweet, but the heat didn't come across as "peppery". More like a thermal burn where for example you get your first bite of a pie filling that's too hot. First area to suffer was the tip of the tongue, moving onto the sides of the tongue at the back. No throat burn on swallowing, no sweating, no lip swelling or tremor. Once the bite started to fade at the side of the tongue at the back, the gums started to tingle quite strongly. Overall, a short lasting burn of less heat that an orange habanero, BUT, this was a winter pod that was surely far far less than full capacity !