• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Lookin good down there in Texas. You have some space for those babies to grow.

The longer season has me wishing dh took the job down in SA a couple of years ago. We have about six inches of snow and more coming down. Just the other day it was wonderful weather. No boring weather here.

I may have to give the pineapple thing a try. It just looks too cool.

Hi Michelle!

The longer season is great although it has it's challenges, and that's the heat and having to constantly water. I have a sunshade that covers the upper 1/3 and it helps a lot, I just need more but you know $$$$ thang. We figure the garden saves us close to 1k a year and try to spend 25% each year to improve it, this year we're way over budget with the new fence.

The pineapples are way cool, they don't take up much space, meaning you don't need a huge pot. That and they're just wonderful when they pop fruit!

Thanks for coming by!
Spent some time in the garden this afternoon watering and stuffing tomatoes in the cages.

I'm having bug problems, picked off a tomato hornworn, the grasshoppers are here along with white flies and who knows what eating the peppers. I've hit the peppers with mineral oil and am going to try the coffee thing this weekend.

This guys on patrol. Wish more ladybugs were in the garden..


The Annuum's are flowering and start to set here's a Jalapeno


Cayenne's are loaded with flowers and setting


I was surprised to see this Reaper forking and showing a few buds. Should I pinch these?


Anyways just a small update. Oh and now I realize a huge advantage growing in containers....way easier to photograph!

Thanks for the visits,


edit: left something out..
Scott, did you decide to go with 5 gallon pickle buckets with holes drilled in bottom, or some holes along side too, or what? Inquiring minds . . . ;) And the peppers looking gorgeous! PODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Annie!

Yes I have 5 5gal pots planted so far with the following:

Red Caribbean
Orange Hab
Red Bhut (is that what you git after eating one?)
7 Pot Primo

I have a few more to pot this weekend if they've gotten large enough...

"Captain there be pods over the bow at 2 o’clock \o/ navigate us around that wasp and we’re set to score" :D
Congrats, great pics and pods soon coming, that’s hard to beat :)

Thanks, it's nice to finally see production!
Feel free, there’s plenty mas where that came from, hehe. "Hard to starboard I see pods in dem bushes" :D

I used the nautical reference because sooner or later you, me and all dem other growers will be swimming in pods, an oceans worth \o/

I'm just dying to go swimming!

Ramon, your humor is always appreciated :dance:

I wet things down this afternoon in preparation for the winds tomorrow, hopefully this will save some topsoil.

A few pics of the garden:

You can see the not so pretty plywood wind break we added a few weeks ago because of the grade. North is left and you can see a bit of the green wind break.


This part of the garden was getting hammered due to it's height. So we took advantage of the shade frame to screw the plywood to.


Annie, here the 5 gal containers. Front left Red Bhut, next Primo. Back row left to right Red Caribbean, Orange Hab, and Reaper.


I saw these the other day at work. Poblano OW's, these are taller than my 6'.3" self. The bases are almost as big around as a golf ball. Raised by 3rd though 5th grade students.



Thanks for the visits and comments,

Those poblanos are monsters!! My OW Poblanos have pretty thick stems, but I cut them down to about 8" tall...lol
And they are starting to put out flower buds like crazy....silly little poblano plants....

It looks like you have been bowhunting pepper plants!! :)
Awesome idea. Recycling at its best.

I like the plywood windbreak. Anything that stops any wind at all is a great thing :)
Scott, I hope the winds don’t get too bad; at least you’ve had prep time to water. I can imagine how suck-o it could be without warning. Great garden pics, I love the look and I don’t mind the bare plywood. If naked wood does bother you, buy a few cans of spray paint and fulfill that childhood graffiti fantasy ;)

- The Bhut, Primo, R Caribbean, O-Hab and Reaper look great against the white of the 5 gals and to boot with manly arrow headdressing … totally cool mon!
- That huge Poblano looks killer, who gets the pods, haha …
- Have a good one mi Texas pepper loven brethren!
Beautiful garden and plants! Nice read so far on this glog. Old arrows for stakes, fantastic idea. I have probably 3 dozen carbon arrows I don't use anymore that will now go to use for tomatoes. Good job!


Yeah, those old arrows have some years on 'em and maybe a little proof of use :D Didn't have the heart to stick my carbons in the dirt...not yet anyways.
Those poblanos are monsters!! My OW Poblanos have pretty thick stems, but I cut them down to about 8" tall...lol
And they are starting to put out flower buds like crazy....silly little poblano plants....

It looks like you have been bowhunting pepper plants!! :)
Awesome idea. Recycling at its best.

I like the plywood windbreak. Anything that stops any wind at all is a great thing :)

Hey Chris!

I always say use what ya got.
Glad I had those second hand sheets of plywood, it's blowing pretty good out there as I typo...

Those Poblanos are crazy, we eat the heck out of 'em here. Stuffed peppers, fajitas. etc.

wowsers... what a BEAUUUTIFUL garden you have created there! I am super jealous of so much dirt to plant in...lol. Looks like you have a lot of stuff coming right along....woot woot!

Thanks I appreciate the compliments!

A lot of time went into making that dirt from sand:)

I think if Mom nature can cooperate a little we should have a decent harvest this year, never know nowadays. I think she's going senile and has forgotten to finish starting spring this year...

Scott, I hope the winds don’t get too bad; at least you’ve had prep time to water. I can imagine how suck-o it could be without warning. Great garden pics, I love the look and I don’t mind the bare plywood. If naked wood does bother you, buy a few cans of spray paint and fulfill that childhood graffiti fantasy ;)

- The Bhut, Primo, R Caribbean, O-Hab and Reaper look great against the white of the 5 gals and to boot with manly arrow headdressing … totally cool mon!
- That huge Poblano looks killer, who gets the pods, haha …
- Have a good one mi Texas pepper loven brethren!

Hey Ramon!

Thanks on the plants:)

The plywood, I could paint encouragement pods on it...haha.

I really started paying attention to the hourly forecast @ weather.com when I know it's going to cool down now. I totally missed a 30+mph front the last week in Feb., and the garden was dry. Oh well.

Well I was promised Poblano pods....haven't seen any yet. hopefully I'll be swimming in them this season!
Wow, huge Poblanos! The students must be really proud of that! And everything else looks great.

I have read differing philosophies to pinching buds. I certainly am no expert, but I left them alone on my plants. Frankly, it would have been too much work to pinch them all off! The plants have grown just fine, IMHO. Where I have noticed a difference were in select annuum varieties that grow largish peppers, specifically my Pasilla Bajio. The plant had three large pods on it that were about 2/3 the height of the plant, itself. The plant stopped growing and the peppers were taking forever to ripen, so I sacrificed them so the plant could grow. It has grown and now has many flowers on it. With the chinenses, it seems that if the plant isn't mature enough to support pod growth, it just drops the flowers. Its easier for me just to leave it to ma nature.

Anyway, looking great, Scott!
Beautiful, Scott! I can run down there, pick up some longhorn well, horns, paint that plywood burnt umber for ya, stick the lhorns on it!! :D Or Ramon and I could come write some uh, "slang" in Spanish . . . :D OR . . . hey man, so much work, painting just might be OTT. Looks fine as is! LOVE the frames!!! Lotta, lotta work! :dance: Thanks for info on those 5 gal buckets! And can hardly believe the load those poblano TREES are bearing! I taste chili rellenos! And really, if you wait to get the poblano pods, poor tree is gonna suffer if you don't . . . "help" it :P; could be considered civic duty rather than stealing :rolleyes:
Wow, huge Poblanos! The students must be really proud of that! And everything else looks great.

I have read differing philosophies to pinching buds. I certainly am no expert, but I left them alone on my plants. Frankly, it would have been too much work to pinch them all off! The plants have grown just fine, IMHO. Where I have noticed a difference were in select annuum varieties that grow largish peppers, specifically my Pasilla Bajio. The plant had three large pods on it that were about 2/3 the height of the plant, itself. The plant stopped growing and the peppers were taking forever to ripen, so I sacrificed them so the plant could grow. It has grown and now has many flowers on it. With the chinenses, it seems that if the plant isn't mature enough to support pod growth, it just drops the flowers. Its easier for me just to leave it to ma nature.

Anyway, looking great, Scott!

Hi Doc!

Thanks for coming by, I'm going to do as you advise and let them take care of themselves, heck I have enough to do without being the flower snipper guy.

So much goes un-done this time of year because of the time it takes to keep the garden in order. I'm thinking I need to be cloned :D

Beautiful, Scott! I can run down there, pick up some longhorn well, horns, paint that plywood burnt umber for ya, stick the lhorns on it!! :D Or Ramon and I could come write some uh, "slang" in Spanish . . . :D OR . . . hey man, so much work, painting just might be OTT. Looks fine as is! LOVE the frames!!! Lotta, lotta work! :dance: Thanks for info on those 5 gal buckets! And can hardly believe the load those poblano TREES are bearing! I taste chili rellenos! And really, if you wait to get the poblano pods, poor tree is gonna suffer if you don't . . . "help" it :P; could be considered civic duty rather than stealing :rolleyes:

LOL Annie!

I'm tempted to help that poor over burdened TREE. For the sun and heat we have here that little garden is in a perfect place, just enough light to grow well, protected from the wind by the buildings and good soil.

Hmmmm chili rellenos, and stuffed (Italian peppers), good stuff! In fact LB is making spaghetti sauce and stuffed peppers this weekend, we like to cook for a month :P

Thanks for coming by:)
Been busy this weekend, and still not done. I guess I'm never done...never did get to weed...but that's an easy one for me to blow off!

I've been wanting to make a composter for quite some time, the one I wanted costs $300! The Racoon's have been eating anything green I put in the mulch pile, and it just takes to long to make as it dries out too fast.

So I dug around the shop and came up with enough scrap iron to build a frame. I had an old plastic soap barrel that I scarfed like 15 years ago and have been using as a garbage can in the shop. It's made of thick plastic that's resistant to UV as it's also spent it's fair share of time outside. I had to make a lid, and I had some 3/8" plate and didn't want to use it...way too heavy. I rummaged around and decided to use a side panel from our old AC unit. I tacked it to the 2" flat stock and trimmed it with a torch. My grinder bit the dust during this process so it's not pretty. Doesn't have to be as long as it works well..

So introducing Frankenstein2:


I ran out of paint, and the straps? They're there because the plastic door flexes when you turn it and opens, dumping the contents. Heck it was free :D The wife was there when it opened and said "whooopes"

Nothing really has changed much, we had a cold front and the only plant that's really taking off is this Reaper.


It's grown close to two inches in a week and starting branch out..it forked into a triple..cool.. :onfire:


I almost forgot. Ramon sent me some JA hab seeds, 5 are in the dirt and gonna plant the rest later. Thanks!


Never did finish watering all the fruit trees.

That's it...time for some play:)

Thanks for coming by,


Edit: what else...typos,added
Scott, cool on new Frankie goes to Hollywood Devine, awesome looking on your reaper and I’m glad the JA Hab seeds made their way to you that quickly. Can’t wait to see them pop for you and hope you enjoy the taste as much as we do.

I hear ya on the weeding, one of my least favorite chores to do. But eventually we all have to :/

Keep up the killer job & grow, have a great week mon ^_^