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Dismal Year for Growing So Far

I've had a hard time getting motivated this season due to our crap weather in Michigan. It literally rains almost every day, temps are lower than normal often, and clouds. Very frustrating.

My grass is so high and I can't cut the damn backyard because it NEVER stops raining here.

Hopefully something productive comes out this season. I have a good amount of plants under lights. I've been a bit lazier than normal when it comes to potting up too. lol. Most previous years I had a decent number of plants in 4" square pots, but not this time. Most are in 2.5" square pots, some in plug trays (36 cell) and a few other sizes. The plants still look healthy though and should have a good rootball. I guess if the 2.5" square pots work for Cross Country Nurseries, they should do the job for me. :)

I need some of AJ's energy to do all the potting up and nutrients!!!! I guess managing over 200 plants under lights is still a respective feat.

Hopefully it dries out or the hardening off process will be in mid-June! The good thing is at least I have some cool varieties to grow this year. Hopefully in the end, it all works out.

Chris I understand the lack of motivation, been hard for me to get things going and I'm only doing about 50 plants! Can't imagine four times that. Eventually the rain will pass and the sun will come out and there will be growing. Lots and lots of growing. Good luck man.
I hear you, I'm mostly in the same boat, although I do have 30 plants in 5.5" deep pots that have gotten pretty big (mostly ~2 feet or bigger), but they're slightly lanky and a little light on the foliage from being packed together in trays for so long. The majority of my plants are still in 3.25" pots though, and have been root bound for several weeks but I just don't have room to pot them up until I can get the big ones outside and in their final pots. Front and back yard needs mowed, the garden needs tilled and compost and peat worked in, plastic mulch laid down, I need to pot up a bunch of little ones. Today was the first day in over 2 weeks that it hasn't been cloudy and poured down rain but I couldn't get anything done because I had to work. Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to rain some and the temps get down to 41-45F, but I think I'm going to go ahead and pot up the big ones anyway and hope they're alright from the low temps. Wednesday-Saturday looks good though! Mostly sunny every day with decent temps.

It rained so much one day last week that I drove through 3 foot deep water (nighttime and could hardly see anything because of the rain) and my car shut off and died. I had to stand knee deep in water (I'm 6'7"), with rain pouring down on me, in the middle of the road and push my car for about 100 feet before I got it out of the water and luckily it started and ran and wasn't damaged except for a headlight being blown out from the water. Dismal is a good word to describe the weather the last three weeks, although obviously it's nothing compared to what happened in the southern states. It has been a big PITA, but I can't complain too much considering all the lives lost and homes destroyed in the south this week. I'm looking forward to Wednesday when the weather should be nice and stay that way at least for a week or so.
We are on day 88 with out rain. 2nd longest drought ever. I could deal with it if we did not have 40 + winds all day for 60 of of them. LOL
almost the same here Beagle...we have had less than 5" total at my place since January...

Chris...you could box up some of that wet stuff and send it south for us...

hope your grow season ends better than it started...
Chris I understand how crazy mother nature can be. I expect nature to go nuts about the time I start wanting to put plants out. I started a little later this year because of how wicked the weather was last year.

Good luck & Peace,
P. Dreadie
Breathe my friend...breathe. Pretty soon, we'll be bitchin' that it's too damn hot around here. I keep saying April showers will bring May flowers but this is getting a bit old. Screw the flowers! I want to plant out dang it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look on the bright side, at least you didn't find a day for a plant out and get ravaged with 2 days of 40-70mph winds and have your plants look like mine, lol.
i can't get past the snow! two back to back record snowfalls, then a warm front moved in and melted everything, i cleaned up the yard of old leaf debris by friday morning another couple of inches of snow. the robins have migrated back and the poor criters have a hard time leaving the protection of the trees. good news, perennials are coming up, so there is some green.
Here in Boise, we're just about to wrap up the coldest April on record. Does not bode well for any early pepper plantin, and I been doin the greenhouse to kitchen shuffle regularly.

The old wives tale around here says wait to plant peppers/tomatoes until the snow is melted off of Bogus Basin (local ski hill above town). There is 6 feet of snow up there and they just got some new stuff yesterday and a skiff in the valley. Sheesh.

Rumor of La Nina breaking down (slowly) might mean a more average late May to June around here... :cool:
I'm in sort of a similar situation here. If it hasn't been the rain, it's been the wind. Most of my peppers have been planted out for a few weeks, but in that time almost all of the oldest leaves have been shredded by hail and blown away in the wind. They're just now starting to perk up now that the rain has lightened up a bit.
I feel your pain. We've had over 12 inches of rain in the past 30 days in Cincinnati. Everything in my yard is a mess. Mowed the grass today: Got stuck in mud once and had to use my quad to pull out the neighbor in his commercial mower from the mud My grass was 12 inches in some places. Tons of water everywhere. And mire rain forecasted forSunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Same here svcook. We've had WAY too much rain fall this Spring. Storms have been pretty bad also. Tornado came through my neighborhood Wed morning and dumped about 3 inches plus took a few trees down. Thank God we were at work and the plants were inside.