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Do you help with pollination any like a fan blowing or rubbing a q-tip over all the flowers? Maybe that would help some.

Thanks for the kick in the pants ;)
I think I've got about $25 in this setup.

I'm using an ancient rotary dial timer, right now I've got it set to trip every 8 hours for 15 minutes. Current nutrients are the GH basics as well as a dash of Thrive Alive, since it's just got the seedlings in it right now.
PH = 6.5
PPM = ~450

I tried my best to screw it up right off the bat- the Sterlite plastic is REALLY brittle and cracks if you try to use a large drill. So when I cracked it drilling the holes for the Ebb & Flo fittings, I got to thinking- why not go full cheap bastard and use the water pump as an airstone?
So I then proceeded to drill a bajillion holes in the tray as well as the Roughneck lid. The lid has a raised lip around it, so the nutrients not only flow back via the hydroponic fittings, they also drip through all the wee tiny holes from the tray into the top of the Roughneck tote and then through all the wee tiny holes in the Roughneck tote on down into the tote. No air pump.


I've currently got a couple Red Savinas, a couple Tequila Sunrise, an Aji Chivato, Aji Jalapeno, Spanish Padron, a half dozen real Italian pesto basils, a couple Lemon Cucumbers, and a couple Endeavor Pickling Cucumbers in there. Later this week I'll move the whole mess out in the greenhaus, and maybe that's when I'll add some Hygromite.

I've got a couple spare Autopot Smartvalves, I might just put 'em in a couple more of these Sterlite trays.
Nice Hinky. Just a few points...

I would wait until the rockwool cubes are sprouting well before running the system properly. It will hinder growth watering them twice a day at that size. Letting the cubes dry out before watering again will speed this up. Also mixing plants using the same res will work but different plants have different nutritional needs and more favoured ph ranges. Whilst your leafy basil may be happy, your cukes and chillis will likely be under fed.

Also most nutrients are up to scratch for producing good plants. Additives just over complicate things - especially if your just starting out.

toastynoodles said:
HinkyAny time
The setup looks nice, what size rockwool are you useing?
I had some 4" x 4" cubes sitting around, that's what's in there at the moment. I might fill it with rock as the plants grow, dunno about that yet.
Toleman said:
Nice Hinky. Just a few points...

I would wait until the rockwool cubes are sprouting well before running the system properly. It will hinder growth watering them twice a day at that size. Letting the cubes dry out before watering again will speed this up. Also mixing plants using the same res will work but different plants have different nutritional needs and more favoured ph ranges. Whilst your leafy basil may be happy, your cukes and chillis will likely be under fed.

Also most nutrients are up to scratch for producing good plants. Additives just over complicate things - especially if your just starting out.


Yeah, I know the different plants will require different nute rates- I just wanted to get this setup going so I could get my ass in gear. I'm going to have a few different units working out in the greenhaus this summer- a couple using the Autopot SmartValves I've got, and at least this one Ebb & Flo, so I'll be able to separate the different types in the near future. I appreciate the advice on overwatering- I definitely wasn't going to leave the setup as it stands, but wasn't sure. Would one 15 minute cycle per 24 hours work? Also, in one week I'm going to have to leave the house for a couple weeks, so I'll be changing the nutrients then. I figured that ten gallons would be fine for two weeks. What do you think my PPM should be when I make that ten gallon batch, that will have to last for 14 days?
I tend to work in E.c and use different nutrients. I would just hand water them the strength you are currently giving them. They will probably stay wet for a week in those big cubes. Can somebody like a family member or neighbour just come in and water them for you? If not you could get a cheap digital timer to do one flood every 4/5 days for a few minutes. I have just put a plant into my nft system and let it get rooted like this first:

Sorry for the hijack Tasty...
12 days later

Well after changing the light cycle so my lights would be on at night and off in the day time to keep a better temperature,and lowering the Nitrogen in my rez's thing's are were they need to be.;) However flower drop is still going on but not as bad as it was.And look what happen:P The first pod of the year :onfire:
Temp daytime 79-81
Temp nighttime 69-71
Humidity 78-83%
P.H 6.4
Tds-700 that's on the .5 scale
And one pic of the plant that's got the pod on it.

You can see the plant is getting a little yellow do to the low amount of Nitrogen.But im sure it will be fine;)
5 day's later

Well it was time to change the rez's so i thought i snap a few pic's,first pic is the line up.

Man this pod's grown alot in five day's

And when i was farting around i found a few more pod starting

Congrats mate. Thats amazing from such small pots. Im going to be growing in 2.5 gallon pots with expanded clay. I expect some monsters.

Just cover the top tray with plastic and make cut outs for your pots. The pump and timer will need to plug in somewhere inside ideally. Its not a good idea to have electrical connections uncovered outside.

The only reason it needs protecting from rain is it will dilute your nutrient solution. Rain water however works very well for hydroponics when tap water is hard.

toastynoodles said:
Here's what's happen two of the plant's are in 100% coir and one in 50/50 coir/hydroton mix.
temp 77-81 daytime
temp 62-66 nightime :crazy:

I understand PH; but what's EC and TDS?

I'm trying to find a PH meter for water and soil both, to work out my water problems (PH 7.68).This stuff isn't easy to get here.