Do hornworms travel in packs

Found a damn hornworm on my Jays Peach Ghost Scorpions.  Murdered it with fire.
Do these things travel in packs or once you get rid of one, you are usually good?
I will obviously keep on the lookout for more, didnt see any tonight.
It was a big bastard.
Yes they do, caught this one last night
They grow fast!  You need to inspect your plants several times a week.  (Given that they are so hard to spot, daily searches aren't out of the question.)
I find them easier to spot at night.  A bright flashlight works fairly well, largely because the dark background makes the monsters' camouflage less effective.
UV works OK.  Some varieties don't fluoresce all that well. 
Travel in packs? I don't know about that. More likely they are all part of the same hatch.

No, you can't rest after you find the first one. In fact, that's the signal to start watching even more closely. I swear those little bastards can smell fresh cut leaves from the mandibles of their brethren.
thuricide is your friend
quick and easy to apply, organic.....doesn't harm plant or harvest
and kills hornworms before they can do damage.....even if you check once a day, they can hammer you pretty hard
Yea they are hard to find. I've only found two. The ones I found lit up like a xmas tree with UV flashlight... along with all the spots in the yard my dog pisses and some white carpet that looked clean but now has us making a trip to the store for some natures maricle 
I bought a cheap 8 dollar UV flashlight at lowes last night.  Went out and did a thorough inspection and didnt see anything, but I will keep checking obviously.
Yeah they do, well sort of. If you find one ur bound to find many more. Usually the momma moth lays a big clutch where the offspring feed in the same general area. I think you can get rid of them by spraying ur plants with a weak solution of soap
I found and murdered 3 more tonight that were munching on my tomato forest.
Ive got 8, 8 foot tall tomato plants that have all grown together.  Its a disaster area.
I could see areas they had stripped and it was easy to locate them after that.  Murdered with the sharp point of my freshly sharpened benchmade knife and flung over the fence.
I didnt find any more on any pepper plants.
I think you can get rid of them by spraying ur plants with a weak solution of soap
That trick doesn't work on hornworms, unless they're fresh hatch, and you happen to coat them.

Neem or BT is the way to knock 'em out. But finding them and picking them off manually, is the first measure. Don't really want to give them any more time to eat or travel...