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Do you trim your bush?

Some of my peppers have really encroached on their neighbours, and I am torn between trimming them and leaving things be until winter so I can increase my production.

What do you do? ;)
I just leave them unless they are next to something that i really want to give the best chance. In my patch all the bushes have kind of grown together, good thing is that pollinating insects find it hard to get to the middle of the plant and thus the seeds are usually pure.
Some of my plants have converged to create a giant 3m by 3m hedge. I was picking some today by lying on my back and wriggling my way through the jungle....:) I guess it helps to keep the soil from drying out (sun can't get to it) but I'm probably losing out by not getting the sun and wind right through the plant. I figure the only trimming it will get is when I accidently break a branch off while picking, which I did a little while ago to a Choc Hab. At least I know to space them further next year.....:oops:
Bit like this jimmy?
Hmmm looks familiar, although at least you can just about reach everything from the outside, I think I need one of those jiggers mechanics use to get under your car..... I have a garden shed along one side and a fence along another. But yeah, all tangled like your plants.
I usually don't trim anything...


and if you want to see what it looks like when they are ripe...check the video at the 2:22 mark in post number 1...


as far as them crowding your neighbor...have they said anything or gave you any strange looks?....you could offer to share with them I suppose...I would do almost anything to keep from trimming them...
thanks bro
AJ!! WOW!!! if only my bush was that prolific!! :P maybe next season.. i have big plans of digging up the backyard :D that is going to be my winter project i think! half the yard will be mine!! alll mine!! mwaaahahhahhaaa
dear oh dear.. .nova... allways turning my threads into rudeys :D.. i didnt mean it how it sounded... well.. not really anyways :D
SeeYouJimmy said:
Hey AJ, I believe he meant it's crowding the neighbouring plant, not his neighbours. Nice bush by the way ;)

in that casse....hell no!!!! :rofl:

get the neighbor to trim his... ;)
:D You got it Paul!

Edit: Crap now i gotta get serious. If at all possible DO NOT let lower branches touch the ground. AJ calls this "a bug superhighway" and we wouldn't want to upset the big texan would we?
Paul, I've never trimmed a plant because it was too close to a neighboring one.

If we ever start a Pepper Growing Hall of Fame that video will have to be shown on a constant basis in the "Great Hall".
Good advice - thanks!

I'll have to drink a whooooole lot more before I can remove those lower branches though...they're FULL of pods! lol!