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Does anyone here like Anime?

I'm not really hardcore when it comes to anime (or manga), but I do dig it on occasion. Vampire Hunter D is probably one of my all time favorites, along with Ghost in the Shell and Akira. All 3 are classics, IMO.

But other than that, I don't really pay much attention. In the last few years, the only anime I've watched has been Afro Samurai and Highschool of the Dead (which are both available on Netflix, I believe).
I recently watched High School of the Dead on Netflix and got hooked haha!

You should check out Spice and Wolf...It's on Netflix as well.it has a pretty good story line :)

I love the classic anime such as Vampire Hunter D.Haven't seen them in ages.
I used to watch them all the time around 15 years ago and watched all the vampire hunter D series. I have a bunch of old divx sent directly from Japan as I had an uncle that lived there for many years. The best ones was the Hentai ones though ;)
I am glad I am not the only one who has watched the hentai Vampire Hunter D lol :P

Do any of you or ever planned on cosplaying a character? Or go to conventions?
Manga is my thing. I follow Liar Game, Claymore, and the Drops of God at the moment. I watch a little anime here and there too. Love Miyazaki's stuff.
I love me some Death Note :)

Never really got into Bleach,One Piece or Naruto.They seem very overrated in my opinion :P
What do you watch? :D

I have watched Mononoke and Spirited Away, of Miyazaki's. I haven't seen much else of his, not for not wanting to. Akira, Vamp D, Macross, Macross Plus, Record of Lodoss, Appleseed, er . . . some trigun, . . . others

Shadow Skill

Not true anime, but I like Avatar (it is in the anime style)

Tekkaman blade II


Cowboy Bebop
Another anime fan here - mostly movies though. I've seen most of Miyazaki's movies and other Ghibli films. I've enjoyed Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell, NGE, Akira, Vampire D, etc. Others in my collection include Afro Samurai, Barefoot Gen, other manga films (5 centimetres per second, Origin, etc.) and the work of Mamoru Hosoda is beautiful and intelligent.

I massively love Cowboy Bebop and I have the whole series on a rare set of DVDs. Another film fave is Blood The Last Vampire - short but superb imho.

I'd like to get a few more anime series to watch but at the moment I'm still working my way through a bunch of other stuff!
@ Armac - No offense but don't post then?

had you considered he may have only been saying no to your question about cosplaying? i for one love anime and have a ridiculous amount of it... but have never considered cosplay... does that make my thoughts and opinions irrelevant in this thread?
I've been re-watching a bunch of Adult Swim anime, and started watching a few new ones as well. Recently finished Baccano!, which was totally brilliant except for the intro episode.