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Does Anyone Know The Duffs Wing Sauce Recipe?


I was wondering if anyone knew the Duffs Wing Sauce recipe or something close to it as possible.
It is not just Frank's, vinegar and butter/margerine like the Anchor Bar for example - it is more of a tangy/sour sort of taste which could be the kind of vinegar they use - some people online have claimed that they use cider vinegar, but ultimately there is some other kind of sauce being used here.

One thing that would make sense is worcestershire sauce - since it's tangy and has additional vinegar in it beyond what you would have already added. I just find the sauce tastier than the Anchor Bar and want to replicate it as much as possible and I thought this would be a great place to ask.
I look forward to hearing from the Buffalo Wing experts here.
Thank you,
Welcome to the site FW.  I'm not familiar with Duff's wing sauce, so I can't advise you.  A quick google search yielded your post at Chowhound though - best of luck in your search.