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Dog Repellent?

All you need is to make a GIANT noise when they come by. Mix a small amount of crushed water purification tablets with ammonia and leave out near yard. When a dog, or anything else, goes by(or sneezes too loudly) ka-****ing-boom will happen, and it will scare them off. As long as you don't use too much, it won't be dangerous for them.
Next time they're on your side of the fence invite them to stay in your garage for a while! A hot dog or two should do the trick. Take good care of them until the neighbor comes looking, then tell her they dropped by and you were just being a gracious host.  ;)  Take video so you can show her that the dogs were on your property and weren't "kidnapped," etc.
Repeat as necessary.  (Once or twice should do the trick, I'd think.)
and then the lousy neighbor will decide that Scovie's taking better care of her dogs than she is and will leave them with Scovie and CJ!!!!
yea, that is NOT the desired outcome!!!!   but I could totally see that happening................
Assemble a fence around the yard, so high the Great Wall looks like sandcastle. I ended up having to do that at one point.
My Grandmother used to place Spearmint Gum around her garden. dogs don't like the smell of it. If they have a standard path they like to take you could put a barrier there and it might keep them from coming over. Of course they might just start taking a different path too :) 
Hit em with some pepper spray

I used to have a problem with an aggressive German Shepard on the road where I run. A blast of pepper spray followed by a swift kick to the face taught him a lesson.
Pepperjack91 said:
Hit em with some pepper spray

I used to have a problem with an aggressive German Shepard on the road where I run. A blast of pepper spray followed by a swift kick to the face taught him a lesson.
Even worse idea than my landmine. Neighbor will flip out on Scovie for that.
Tell your neighbor you drained antifreeze in your yard and you're just giving her a heads up because you heard dogs drink antifreeze because its sweet to them and end up dying.  If she cares about her dogs and doesn't want them getting poisoned, maybe she'll keep a better eye on them.  Also chemical snow/ice melter is terrible for dog paws, and dogs absorb the chemicals through the pads… and in the spring just put the little chemlawn signs in your yard because that has the same effect as the ice melter. 
Rawkstah said:
Tell your neighbor you drained antifreeze in your yard and you're just giving her a heads up because you heard dogs drink antifreeze because its sweet to them and end up dying.  If she cares about her dogs and doesn't want them getting poisoned, maybe she'll keep a better eye on them.  Also chemical snow/ice melter is terrible for dog paws, and dogs absorb the chemicals through the pads… and in the spring just put the little chemlawn signs in your yard because that has the same effect as the ice melter. 
And actually put cap on the lawn, so their paws actually burn for a little while.
I'd be not into anything that makes a lot of noise - Dogs AND everyone else hears it,especially at Dark Thirty...including you.
IN MOST cases it is illegal to mess with peoples pets - shoot or harm them without a LOT of hassles coming your way.
I'd go with sonic stuff on a motion detector.
I knew a guy who had MAJOR Coon problems and egg sucking dogs raiding his coop.
There was a sonic thingie he screwed into his motion activated floods that let the light go on but also made the sonic thing go off.
It was a thing that screwed into a light socket and then the bulb screwed into that.
The right sonic thingies drive critters crazy.
An added + was when a rat.coon,cat or whatever set off the lights and sonic thing at dark thirty.
The dogs next door,inside heard the sonic noise and barked like heck.
Revenge is best served at dark thirty...
Seems like if you had to pee at dark thirty,it might be fun to set off the motion detectors...
If you are like me and work where I live,graveyard shift.
I really could have fun setting of the sonics every 1/2 hour or so.
Just for fun.
I always liked a barking dog at night.
Kinda like a Coyote howling in your bedroom all night long...in an a$$holes house.
Might get a new person living next door after a few months,or they would have gotten rid of their barking dogs.
As long as nobody knows who or what is messing with the dogs at dark thirty,your just an innocent bystander with a $hit eating grin on your face...
Most sonic stuff has a range problem.
Point them in the direction of the offenders bedroom , living areas etc.
From what I heard,IF you have a good Sound system,it might be able to amplify the wavelengths to cover more area.
I really don't know for sure.
Probably(according to what I've been told) depends on the speakers specks.
Deer are a problem for some of my customers (would alsowork on dogs) and some use a big sprinkler with a senser. It even got me once.

I have a sonic doohickey that works ok, but only when home. I like the pepper powder idea. It keeps skunks away from my property but it rains so much it only lasts a short while.

Funny how society does not generally tolerate dogs running loose and crapping in everyone's lawn - BUT it seems just fine for pet cats to use the neighborhood as their toilet. Keep your cats inside or risk the consequences!
To deal with dogs you must think like a dog. First off the owner sucks. They are a bad dog owner and aren't representing the alpha dog of the pack. Thus these dogs are confused about who the alpha dog status belongs to, the dog brain thinking "shit i think I'm spose to be the alpha dog cause no one else is!?!" next thought "Shit! if I'm alpha whats the status of our territory?" So these dogs are telling each other  "you see that guy over there across the street, I think he's living waaay to close to our territory and on top of that, HE aint puttin any meat on our table." " Well I'm gonna go over there and mark the line where he needs to move back to"
So they are trying to establish their territory and see you as no value cause you don't have the food hookup.
Here's what you do. You need to start taking a shit about ten feet in their yard and then leave a piece of beef jerky two inches from it.
Gaurateed to cure your problem :P