Dormancy period?!?

Hi Everyone,
I am a pepper newbie, growing my first set of Super hots (Carolina Reapers). I have been absorbing all the knowledge this site and it's forum member have shared and have learned quite a lot. I do however have a question regarding the growing seasons. As I am in a sub-tropical climate(the equivelant of a US Zone 10 I believe) by the coast we generally dont ever get frost, and I planted my seedlings as soon as they arrived in autum - Obviously they will grow slower with the shorter days but what I would like to know is, would the plant go into dormancy going into summer if I let it fruit in late winter/spring, or would it keep producing into the summer/yearround?
If it goes into a dormant period, could I keep pruning the flowers as they form, effectively stalling the final stage until summer arrives?
Your comments and suggestions are appreciated!
:welcome:  from southeast Louisiana!
They typically go into dormancy during the cooler months. You should be able to leave yours out all year long and let it go through its own natural cycles. You'll be able to tell when they are going dormant by the tiny, usually seedless pods they produce during that time. They'll kick back into high gear once the spring rolls back around
I don't think the tiny seedless pods can really be considered dormant. Most dormancies in plants are a complete halt in growth, which peppers don't undergo. They will slow down, but never really enter a true state of dormancy. For me, they flower every two months assuming there isn't something else going on(like aphids in the case of this year,which caused no flowering this winter)
Edit: I've noticed four different types of pods produced year round for me. Small, heatless, seedless pods are started between December and February, Small, seedless pods with heat are from March-April and October-November, large, seeded but generic shaped instead of distinct are produced from April-June and late August-September, and large, seeded, and distinctly shaped pods are produced in late June-August.
Edit 2: You live in the southern hemisphere, so you'll need to reverse the above.