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Dorset Naga or 7 Pot - Jonah... Or too early still? [LARGE IMAGES]

Hi guys,

I mixed up my sprouting seeds for Dorset Naga and 7 Pot - Jonah. The plant now has some immature fruit and I was wondering if it's identifiable yet. Excuse the damaged leaves, I tried to go natural with my aphid defence by hosing them off and hoping for predators to get them but my hosing seems to have damaged the leaves :(

Here's the pics:


The 1st thing that I noticed were the nice clay paver patio..........The plant is most likely a Naga. The Dorsets that I grow are shorter plants with fatter pods than the traditional Naga, Spanish and Bombay Morich's. I also have a variety called a "Jonah Long" which spits out tons of pods on a 2 meter plant. That also kind of looks similar to the branching and the pod shape of your plant. Happy Heat
Thanks guys :)

I thought the first pic looked like it was growing longer like a naga rather than round-ish like a 7 Pot. I can't wait to try one!

I have another ID now... I was given a freebie pack of seeds that were labeled "Mixed superhots" which I think could be any of these and I gave this seedling to a workmate and he's wondering what it could be.

And the pic:

These seem to have stopped at this size but are not ripening :( I can only assume that our weather turning cold may be preventing them from ripening.

Dorset Nage or Jonah... I'm assuming Jonah from the rounder shape.



This is my workmate's "mixed superhot"... Grant from JungleRain said an earlier picture of them turning purple around the stem before ripening to orange, then red seemed like a Jonah hybrid trait. But haven't heard anymore back from him.



Has some droplets inside it :D
Only the top pic looks like a Jonah. The rest still look like a Naga type. I'd say you have to go with what the majority look like. I had two Naga Morich plants last year that started out putting out prototypical naga pods, but as the year went on and the summer got hotter, the pods got rounder and rounder and few were pretty much golf ball shaped. So what I'm trying to say is that pod shape can very greatly in these plants. But if the majority of the pods are naga shaped, I'm inclined to call it a Naga.
They seem to stop at a particular size.. they stick around seemingly doing nothing and then they ripen.
It's not grow grow grow -> okay, not growth spurt is finished let's immediately start ripening!
But I have some IDs to do later..
One thing I have learnt from chilli growing is to germinate EARLY.
I germed most of my genuines in October/ and they are only just fully ripe now for a lot of them.
At least we've had a KILLER summer.
How's it been over there in the land of the dingos? :D
I heard our high pressure systems have kept you soaked in rain a lot of the time.
and i would go with the 7 pot because of the fold at the base but i haven't been successful with red 7's yet. my brackpore may deliver this year. but it really hard to tell as both properties seem apparent.

here is a pic my dorset and a yellow 7.


yellow 7:
Thanks for the replies :)

Still confused but the workmate's ones are damn hot and taste nice so I don't care what it is, I'm just saving the seeds to grow it myself :dance:
Thanks again for the replies :)

This is my Dorset Naga / Jonah over the past week...

This is another of my workmates unknown "mixed superhot" from JungleRain... Most of his are growing longer like this now. He's been picking them at dark orange but the other one he gave me sat on my bench for a week and went a light red so I assume they'd probably go completely red if left on the plant, which I've told him try out.

Pictures make it look lighter orange than it actually is.

thanks for you posts Stone.
i agree with you, it is really confusing when you grow seeds that you think are true and you get something completely different, i would still be just guessing at what you really ended up with.
thanks for taking us through this process and good with all new endeavours.