• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying, and Love the Heat

So I should have actually started this about 2 months ago... but I didn't know such a place was around.
Anyway, I will say I am a rookie when it comes to peppers. Literally, never even tried to grow them. I've learned a ton just from reading the forum here and finally decided to join! 
My actual garden spot isn't ideal for peppers as it only gets some sun. Normally about 6 hours of full sun, which in North Dakota, can be pretty hit and miss, and when it misses, it misses for weeks at a time. So, in the actual garden there is cucumbers, radishes, kohlrabi, carrots, various herbs, and pumpkins. In my containers I have tomatoes and peppers, and one cucumber as an experiment.
So as for the pepper list, there isn't anything that would excite most of you, but, again, "I'm new!! I don't know what to do!!"- Joe Dirt
3 - "Sweet Heat" Peppers I got on sale for $3 for all 3.
4 - Serrano - seed
4 - "Hot" Banana - seed
4 - Thai "hot" - seedling
4 - Orange Habanero - seed
The seeds I got from a neighbor who wanted to "see if I could even get anything to sprout" before he gave me some of the hotter seeds he has. I'm not going to complain about free seeds, hot or not! So thanks buddy! I'm not sure if you are on here or not... but I wouldn't be surprised if you are. I do however, now know where you get all those crazy seeds from! 
So, as I mentioned previously, I should have started this awhile ago, you know, for science and stuff. But alas, I will start today.
Sweet Heat
After transplanting into their final containers, nothing happened, I still watered and fertilized with the rest of the peppers, but kind of stopped paying attention to them. If I'm out $3, no big deal. This was about 2 weeks ago. Again, not really paying much attention, just watering. Until today. Actually had plenty of time today to inspect everything so I figured I'd look them over for signs of pests, etc.  Son of a! I got pods and flowers all over hell on these!

3 of the 4 are a good 16 inches tall. The one is about 13 inches tall. They all look good are seemingly doing well. The one that is a bit shorter, I found out why. There was a pod hidden under a nice sized leaf. I figured it's big enough now that there is no point in stopping it. Especially since it is finally getting in the mid-80's during the day.  (Sorry for potato camera)

All around 12 inches tall and bushy. No pods or flowering yet, but when I was looking this evening it appeared like they might be shooting out some pods soon. I'll keep an eye on them and probably squish most of 'em out for now.  No pics of these as of right now.
First off, these were doing very well, until a hail storm beat the crap out of them cause they stuck out from the little shelter I had them under. What's left? 3 are stocks with a few good leaves and no new growth yet. 1 is a stock with a few good leaves and new growth. So, we will see.
I don't think it's warm enough yet for these to do much. All are about 8-10 inches tall and maybe a 6 inch diameter across the plant. They look healthy, just small, time will tell!
Until next time,
Welcome to the forum and the addiction! Those plants look good so far, the reason that Thai hots and Serrano's and orange habs are in all the stores because ppl have been growing them forever(probably because they all taste good) but if you want some of those crazy seeds I'd be happy to send you plenty of varieties, I have more seeds than I can ever grow!
First year growing any sort of 'garden' plant really. I've always wanted to, but never had either time or space.

I wish I would have had space in California.... the weather, the glorious weather!
I too am willing to share seed. I've been the beneficiary of some very generous folks on this board and would like to return the favor. The catch is that you'll have to wait until I can harvest seed later this year. I have bhut Jolokia, Trinidad scorpions and ministry of agriculture scotch bonnets on the grow.

Your first grow is looking good!
