• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dragon49's 2013 Grow Log

2013 Chile Pepper Grow Log:

My normal season begins in the middle of March, as I sprout 2 months before planting out in the garden. I’m dying to grow a superhot, but I have had 0% success in growing Capsicum chinense outside. A number of other factors prevent me from growing superhots in the garden.

I’ve decided on a small indoor only grow. A co-worker beekeeper jokingly offered to bring some bees into my apartment to pollinate, but I declined. If this works, I’ll have to expand my gardening skill set and figure out how to hand pollinate. I’ll also have to upgrade my lighting, as I’ve been told that my 54 watt T-3 florescent, while good enough to start seedlings, is not strong enough to get the plants to produce fruit.

Here we go. I’ve decided to sprout a Red Moruga Scorpion:


The Aji Cereza x Bode Amarella cross is flowering like crazy but no new pods yet.  The Pepper in the pic has been green for a LONG TIME!  I hope everything is alright with the soil.
There are now three developing pods on my Aji Cereza X Bode Amarela cross.  At least fifty flowers must have fallen off though.  I keep pulling developing flowers off the younger plant - I want it to put more energy into growing bigger first.
It is hard to get good pics, but I now have five pods on the Aji Cereza X Bode Amarela cross:





I keep pulling buds and flowers off the middle one.  I'm dying for pods but I want it a little taller and stronger first.  At some point soon, I'm going to have to decide when to just let it do what it wants:


I gave up on pulling the buds off the middle cross. My decision wasn't based upon what I thought was best for the plant—My gut tells me that I should allow it to grow taller first. I'm tired of pulling the buds AND it is very hard to get to it - I have to walk and stand gingerly to reach the buds:






After desseding I cut up one of these halves into small slivers and put it inside my Subway foot long roast beef sandwich with white cheddar cheese, bacon, and black olives on nine grain honey oat bread – DELICIOUS!!

I found a new pod on the cross: