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DWC "Bubble Bucket"....Hydro Newb,,,,Questions

I have a black 5 gallon bucket, form fitting lid w/6" net pot, air pump rated for 60 gal aquarium (2 output), two 6" airstones and hydroton. Everything that I need for a basic dwc "bubble bucket".

I am doing a test run...drilled two holes toward the very top of the bucket. I run the airline tubing through the holes and place airstones on each one. I've filled the bucket with water so that when the lid with the net pot is placed on the bucket it comes to about 3/8" from the water.

Here is what I've observed so far....the first three inches (top layers) of hydroton does not seem too moist. In fact, it seems pretty dry (not bone dry but barely moist). I am concerned that when I insert a seedling, the roots will not have enough moisture to grow. Should the top few inches of hydroton be moist/wet?
PeteyPepper said:
I have a black 5 gallon bucket, form fitting lid w/6" net pot, air pump rated for 60 gal aquarium (2 output), two 6" airstones and hydroton. Everything that I need for a basic dwc "bubble bucket".

I am doing a test run...drilled two holes toward the very top of the bucket. I run the airline tubing through the holes and place airstones on each one. I've filled the bucket with water so that when the lid with the net pot is placed on the bucket it comes to about 3/8" from the water.

Here is what I've observed so far....the first three inches (top layers) of hydroton does not seem too moist. In fact, it seems pretty dry (not bone dry but barely moist). I am concerned that when I insert a seedling, the roots will not have enough moisture to grow. Should the top few inches of hydroton be moist/wet?

i would place the seedling into a small rock cube ,rapid rooter or something like that ... and that will stay wet for sure and the roots will find the water in a day or 2 and you could also water them from the top for a few days till the roots get into the water... also you could run a power head with a line to the cup... like a dripper .. if you need more info on that just let me know.... got pics????
Tell me more about this dripper...Can I build one onto my current set-up. Could I simple use an aquarium power head or fountain pump and position it so that the water jet/fountain hits the bottom of the net pot?


Can you give more info on how to convert a powerhead so that it's used as a dripper? I'm working on converting a 40 gallon sump into a Hydro unit and this will save cost on buying a water pump. I have a couple of powerheads that work, but they move a LOT of water so not sure how that's gonna work as a dripper.
i will take a pic of what used...

oh and a buddy of mine just ran a hose to the center of the cup and it worked great.. u just need to get a Shut off Inline Valve that will slow your water flow down... just drop your pump in the water and put your pump on a timer run your hose to the center of the cup and your done...
You need to wash your clay off better as it looks like its in your bucket.

It can also apparently mess with your ph levels.
ok here is my pic the 1 side that dont have anything on it is where you hook up the pump to it... and you can add as many lines as you need....
Ahh ok. Is it pre-made or is it something that you have to make yourself? My sprouts are getting big and I just got my 1000 watt HPS/MH ballast and bulbs yesterday so i'll be ready to hydro once the sprouts go outside! I think i'm gonna go with the trinidad scorpion and chocolate hab.
LGHT said:
Ahh ok. Is it pre-made or is it something that you have to make yourself? My sprouts are getting big and I just got my 1000 watt HPS/MH ballast and bulbs yesterday so i'll be ready to hydro once the sprouts go outside! I think i'm gonna go with the trinidad scorpion and chocolate hab.

i made that with the help from the hydro guy at the store but it is very easy to make or something like this.... well good luck bro and dont forget to post pics of what you are doing ...
Ok sounds good. I still have a couple of weeks before my sprouts are ready to go outside. They are only about 5 weeks old, but wow it's amazing how much faster the plants grow under MH. Some are already 6" tall and very bushy. Once those go outside I'll dedicate 1000 watts to 2 plants in a hydro setup.
LGHT said:
Ok sounds good. I still have a couple of weeks before my sprouts are ready to go outside. They are only about 5 weeks old, but wow it's amazing how much faster the plants grow under MH. Some are already 6" tall and very bushy. Once those go outside I'll dedicate 1000 watts to 2 plants in a hydro setup.

yeah and just wait and see what that 1000 watter will do.... you got me thinking about my old 1000watter, i might have to break that thing out someday....... i had a 4x4 area and a bunch of stuff under there i think i got around a 1000 chery tomatoes and like 125+ orange habs and that 1 plant was in a drip bucket it was on the side and did badass... i also had a 2x4 flood and drain system under that....
Wow that's a ton of plants!! I may have to move my small little grow area that's in a coat closet to a bigger closet. I didn't realize you could do that much under a 1000 watt setup.
LGHT said:
Wow that's a ton of plants!! I may have to move my small little grow area that's in a coat closet to a bigger closet. I didn't realize you could do that much under a 1000 watt setup.

you can do a ton of stuff under there.... watch out for heat man them things are so f****** hot i had to put A/C in my room just to keep it cool... so just keep that in mind :lol:
redeyes said:
you can do a ton of stuff under there.... watch out for heat man them things are so f****** hot i had to put A/C in my room just to keep it cool... so just keep that in mind :lol:

I'm starting to realize that now that the heat is picking up a little in my area. I currently have an fan just blowing into the closet, but the problem is the closet is no where near the window and getting cool air into the room is pretty hard. I think i'm gonna have to bit the bullet and get one of those hood fans. I have an outside closet that I can vent the hot air into, but not sure if I will have to make a duct to pull cool air in from outside also. Do the HPS lights get as hot as the MH??? This 1000 MH rocks though the plants are growing at an insane rate!
LGHT said:
I'm starting to realize that now that the heat is picking up a little in my area. I currently have an fan just blowing into the closet, but the problem is the closet is no where near the window and getting cool air into the room is pretty hard. I think i'm gonna have to bit the bullet and get one of those hood fans. I have an outside closet that I can vent the hot air into, but not sure if I will have to make a duct to pull cool air in from outside also. Do the HPS lights get as hot as the MH??? This 1000 MH rocks though the plants are growing at an insane rate!

i would duct it out and add a A/c to your room if your going to get a 1000watter... i had to, they just burn hot ... it cost alot to get set up..what you will get from that light will pay off fast... i would get a cooltube for the light and suck they air out of the room.. get a nice inline fan for that...
Well I got my 1000 watt setup last weekend. I picked up the ballast for $16.00 because the power cord was cut. I had an old 18 gauge cord laying around and it took me about 10 minutes to re-wire it and I was done. I have a really powerful floor fan that keeps the small closet cool and I always keep a patio door open, but yeah it pumps off a lot of heat as the closet is pretty small. Since the closet is right next to an outside closet I figure I would vent the hood from both sides and just suck the hot air from the room through the hood and outside. The problem is my hood is an older sunlight one with the vents on the side and no glass underneath. Are the 1000 watt HPS that hot? I figure if I had the fan to suck the hot air of the hood and out when I get to the HPS I that should be enough.
LGHT said:
Well I got my 1000 watt setup last weekend. I picked up the ballast for $16.00 because the power cord was cut. I had an old 18 gauge cord laying around and it took me about 10 minutes to re-wire it and I was done. I have a really powerful floor fan that keeps the small closet cool and I always keep a patio door open, but yeah it pumps off a lot of heat as the closet is pretty small. Since the closet is right next to an outside closet I figure I would vent the hood from both sides and just suck the hot air from the room through the hood and outside. The problem is my hood is an older sunlight one with the vents on the side and no glass underneath. Are the 1000 watt HPS that hot? I figure if I had the fan to suck the hot air of the hood and out when I get to the HPS I that should be enough.

YES they are that hot!!!! and yes that will help the heat thing pulling it from both sides you should get a very good inline fan that has alot of CFM.... are you getting a new hood??? if so try and find 1 that has 8inch holes and a fan that has 8inch holes ... the more air you can move from your light the better things will be..you better hope that works!!! other wise you will be getting a small A/C just for your room... hey man good luck hope things work out for you bro... pics??
Petey this is also my first time and am doing the dwc also and I fill mine about 13/8 or so above the bottom of my basket or the first two rings and mine are doing just great. It was abot an inch tall when I put it inand couldnt belive my eyes 4 weeks later it has grown to abot 6 inchs or better now and the roots are growing out and down into the water. I was also worried about the dryness but not any more.
redeyes said:
YES they are that hot!!!! and yes that will help the heat thing pulling it from both sides you should get a very good inline fan that has alot of CFM.... are you getting a new hood??? if so try and find 1 that has 8inch holes and a fan that has 8inch holes ... the more air you can move from your light the better things will be..you better hope that works!!! other wise you will be getting a small A/C just for your room... hey man good luck hope things work out for you bro... pics??

I posted some updated pics in my original post here.

Have you ever used the Hydrofarm DA or RD Luminaire Series hood with either a 6" port or 8" port?? Those are the only 2 that I could purchase at this time for a good deal. I just want to be sure I can get something that will allow me to switch between MH/HPS bulbs. I have the eye hortilux series in both.
LGHT said:
I posted some updated pics in my original post here.

Have you ever used the Hydrofarm DA or RD Luminaire Series hood with either a 6" port or 8" port?? Those are the only 2 that I could purchase at this time for a good deal. I just want to be sure I can get something that will allow me to switch between MH/HPS bulbs. I have the eye hortilux series in both.

no man just sun system and cool tubs... i told you man they are HOT!!! cool tubs with a hood is the best ... did you see my hoods in my tent??? those are the best IMO...if you look on line you can find some good deals for hoods ... and your stuff is looking nice also man... keep up the good work!!!

here is my link http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=8324