Early Start on 2011 peppers

Well we decided to do an early planting of peppers.Since some bells and all the hot peppers that went out last year where late getting to the garden we did not want to take any chances.So here is some of what we have going.Just a few seeds of each.


Bhut Jalokia


Thai Hot

Thai Orange

Yellow Seven Pod

Aci Sivri

Brown Seven Pod

King Arthur Bell

Un-named Bell



Large Red Cherry Hot


and at my nieces request some sage.Don't know why but there it is :lol:

Anyway only planted a few seeds of each.Also have one Bhut and a couple chocolate Habs held over from last year in bad need of re-potting so I will be taking care of that too.We are off and running now with peppers and sage :cool:

I think it's a perfect time to get the super hotties going and you have smart neices.
I use sage all the time, it helps improve memory and has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. it can assist in lower fever and for women it can help with "girlie" things.
it is used in mouth washes and toothpaste to assist your gums and teeth.
pics are always appreciated

Hope I can get a cam to do that.If I can get some pics I will post some.But I am off to a good start.A friend sent me a gift of peat pots and Pro-Mix so should have some healthy plants if all goes well.
