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Eating Hot Peppers

I know - most of you will roll on the floor and laugh you a** off, but as much as I am into growing hot peppers, I don't eat them. My fav is the Hungarian Hot Wax, one I picked as soon as a pod became ripe and fried with hamburgers, added to meatloaf and soups, etc.

Once summer ended, I dried them, along with some jalapenos and habs and add the powder to just about every food I fix.

Tonight, I wanted to sow some more peppers but didn't have any seeds from a dealer, so I broke open a Thai Sun pepper to collect the seeds. I ate the rest of the dried pod. (Don't bust a gut laughing) It was hot! But it was great. Yeah, my lips and tongue were a tad on the numb side for a couple of minutes but it didn't last long and then I really enjoyed the after effects(?).

Keep in mind, I led a deprived childhood - I never ate pizza until I was nearly 18 years old.

Now I'm looking forward to hotter peppers, perhaps a pepperronchi!

Ain't it great when you find something new. I ate a very very small piece of dried morrich with my son the other night and whooooooooooooooooooooopiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee It was hot And of course my son didn't say a thing just said I want some of them. Lol
I'm growing a few varieties that are too hot for me. But I still haven't learned my lesson. (Is there one?)
I HAD to taste at least one bite from a pod from each plant I grew myself last year. Many times I ran to the kitchen for milk & bread try to put out the flames.
The funny thing is, I KNOW I'll do it again this year.
I grow lots of peppers that are too hot for me to munch, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying them in cooking.
the only pepper i grew before this year was cr habs so that's the hottest i've munched on fresh, but this year i'm growing much hotter ones. i have a few levels of heat (plus the trusty cr habs...) so i'll work my way up.
Just the other night I was cooking with waxed hungarians and ill be growing those this year aswell..Ive been seed shoping at local vendors and my orchard I deal with them has them pre-grown for like 2.99 for a flat 0f 13 of them
They are not prolific producers - I had two plants and probably got about 15-20 peppers from each. Had I got them out earlier, it would have been a couple dozen.

I sowed five more seeds last night - they are my favorite pepper so far.

Many years ago, I remember when plain old jalopeno peppers where too hot for me, but I liked them. Once I moved to Texas that all changed when I was exposed to a vast variety of hot peppers used in many different types of dishes. I was hooked from then on. I beleive that we all have to start somewhere in order to find what it is we like.

i know exactly what got me hooked. when i was seven or so my family was on a road trip and being the youngest my older siblings entertained themselves during these trips by torturing me. we were at a diner for lunch and they had bottles of tabasco sauce, which i had never heard of, and my brother and sister convinced me it was like ketchup and i should try some so they gave me about a teaspoonful. i don't remember enjoying that moment but after that i started putting tabasco sauce on everything.
You know what's kinda funny, these stories almost sound like a drug addicts addiction, but legal and healthy of course:lol:

Your first introduced to the basic and common mild peppers. These peppers although weak are still strong enough to you that the burning sensation is rough and almost unbearable, but it's followed by a very nice mind easing euphoria that you grow found of. The burn that scared you away at first becomes a pleasing sensation as this is now how you know it's the real thing and how good of a pepper it is. Your need for that stronger burn keeps growing and you start looking for different forms of this tongue tingling veggie. Before you know it your thinking why am I not growing this myself? It'd be cheaper, I wouldn't have to search the towns over from various crocked peddlers, and I'd know if it was good and clean. So you begin searching the world over for those special seeds of hot peppers as you know there's something hotter out there. The Holy Grail of hot peppers is out there, and you start believing in the 7 pot myths. By this time your eating Nagas from the vine and wondering where do you go from here!?:P

hehe, good times!
My favorite pepper is the Serrano and some of them can be pretty warm, to me anyway. I still have my taste buds intact and would like to keep it that way but occasionally get the urge for a little burn so indulge with a habanero in something, usually Italian like Lasagna, Pizza, etc.

I'm also totally addicted to Aleppo pepper and use it on my salads, eggs, just about everything actually but have not been able to find seeds avaailable for this pepper.

Pepper types availabe for purchase at the market are quite limited here in Alaska. Jalapeno, Serano, Ancho and Orange Habanero are just about it and sometimes the quality is less than fresh. That's one reason I am starting to grow my own peppers this year. The other reason is that it's just "cool"
Most of my favorites are baccatuums like Lemon Drop or Dedo De Mocha, or Criolla Sella. That's why I try some new baccatuums every year.
It is a progression.

It is surprisingly like hops in beer. I never used to like hoppy IPA's but now I can't live without hop bombs. It was definitely a progression.

I can remember eating a piece of hab 8 years ago and sitting there drooling in a semi "out of body" state.

Now I eat them on every other meal.

You will look back on this and laugh, believe me.