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Egg cluster identification

I need help identifying an egg cluster on the back of a Rocoto leaf. They appear too tightly packed and well ordered to be ladybird eggs. Is anyone able to confirm my thoughts looking at the photo below?


Egg cluster on the back of a Rocoto leaf
Harry,I had something similar last year, I thoguht they were ladys but was correctly informed that lady are larvae not eggs! or sumthin like that!:)
This is what I caught hatching from mine this past season

i would say to keep it in a jar with holes in it and see what comes out. =D if it's ladybugs then set them free. =D
I managed to peel the eggs off the back of a leaf earlier today and placed it in a container.

I counted 98 eggs in total in the cluster.
I had something lay eggs in a similar fashion (perfectly ordered rows) earlier this year - - - don't know what they were, as I cut the leaf off, then bagged and trashed it. If you put them in a jar and hatch them, I'd be interested in seeing what comes out.
I think this might be your baby here:


don't worry it will only suck the sap out of you plants until dead, kind of like another little sap sucker we are all familiar with.
Yep, Mega is right, stink bugs, found them hatching last year on my plants. Tore the whole leaf off and trampled them into the ground! :hell:
Before I get rid of any bug egg I do my best to ID what species it is. Not all eggs produce harmful critters. You could be killing something that is beneficial.
Before I get rid of any bug egg I do my best to ID what species it is. Not all eggs produce harmful critters. You could be killing something that is beneficial.

Patrick man, I love ya, but they are f@#$'in stick bug eggs, no university education required here, kill the little f#$kers.
yeah, it is a certainty that those are stinkbug eggs, not a likelihood. It's 100 %. There is nothing beneficial about stinkbugs. Two courses of action are required:

- destroy that leaf and all the eggs attached to it
- carefully inspect all other leaves near it and, if possible, throughout the garden. Stink bug moms who deposit those egg clusters do not show up in 1's. They key now is to find the other egg groups and destroy them before they hatch.