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harvesting Epson salt , MG tomato plant food , neptunes harvest 2-3-1 , cal mag plus .. Need a feeding schedule

Need some help guys . I sprayed my plants with about a teaspoon and a half with epson salt tonight using a 1 liter spray bottle . I have all 12 of my plants in miracle gro potting mix mixed with perlite . They've been in there only about 2-3 weeks so I'm not using any ferts right now ( learned the hard way , nute burn on a couple , but they recovered quickly ) . How often should I spray the plants with epson on the week I'm not feeding them any nutes ? every day or every other day ?

Also I was told to wait about a month before using any ferts again because I'm using the miracle gro potting mix . I have a bottle of neptunes harvest 2-3-1 , a bag of miracle gro tomato plant food , I Also have a bottle of cal mag plus . What kind of feeding schedule should I be aiming at with what I have and at what doses once I do start them on a feeding schedule in a couple of weeks ???

Right now Im just trying to be hands off just letting them get sun and shade and water that they need . I kept seeing the epson salt threads pop up so I said hell with it and sprayed them down with some , :p lol

Thanks in advance for your replys , Carlos
Hey, i am a new grower so don't take my word for this :)
But i bought some Epsom Salt a few days ago and did some heavy research on what other people do.
And i use a teaspoon for each litre of water (a tiny bit less), or 1 tablespoon per gallon(4litre).
And i apply this mixture once every other week, so once each 14 days.
I found a lot of different oppinions on this subject and this seemed to be the most recommended mixture.
It sounds like you're looking for a schedule to use what fertilizers you have on hand. Just because you have them doesn't mean you need to use them. Too much is not always a good thing.

Miracle Gro soil will be fine alone for about 4-6 weeks after transplant, though you may want to look into some better soils in the future if you're using containers. If you see no obvious evidence of disease besides the slight discolorations, just let Mother Nature help your plants on their way to a great harvest. Fertilize with your Neptune's Harvest at regular strength when the instructions say. Or dilute the fert for your first application by 1/2 and then repeat the 1/2 strength every week or 2.

I watch the plants but don't react at the drop of a hat. Nature is not perfect and I know my plants will not be either. Just enjoy the work you've already done and love your plants - just don't hug them too hard.
catherinew said:
I watch the plants but don't react at the drop of a hat. Nature is not perfect and I know my plants will not be either. Just enjoy the work you've already done and love your plants - just don't hug them too hard.
That is so true. I find that the most important part of growing peppers is to just look at the plants every day. They will tell you of issues, but you can not overreact to every little imperfection. It is the practices of patience and humility that prevent us from giving the plants what they do not really need. Isn't parenthood more about giving children what they need, rather than what they want? Just being involved with them helps us to determine the difference between what the child needs and what the child wants. As a parent, I could really screw a child up by allowing them to have what they want rather than need.

Sometimes, growers do the same thing to their plants, giving them what they don't need and then giving them something else to counter the effects of what they previously gave to them. They create issues and then spend the season attempting to resolve them.
Thanks !! I got a itchy trigger finger lol . I'll just continue to let them be and let Mother Nature take its course .
If you are fruiting and feel the need to use nutes, stay away from anything high in AMMONIACAL Nitrogen.  It blocks calcium and may lead to blossom end rot.  Find something with mainly NITRATE Nitrogen.  The shake and feed tomato MG stuff is high in the former.
Pepperhead said:
If you are fruiting and feel the need to use nutes, stay away from anything high in AMMONIACAL Nitrogen.  It blocks calcium and may lead to blossom end rot.  Find something with mainly NITRATE Nitrogen.  The shake and feed tomato MG stuff is high in the former.
Cool thanks for the heads up . Truth is I bought all that stuff and my plants have been doing fine just feeding off the MG soil . I used the neptunes harvest and one plant curled up on me . I was giving them cal-mag plus every other night foliar but was told to hold off until they started fruiting as They don't really need it right now . The MG tomato fert I bought at the same time as the neptunes so I haven't even opened the bag lol . I will be hitting them with the epson salt every now and then ( 1 teaspoon in a liter spray bottle ) just because I wanna see if it I'll make any difference in thier growth since I started a lil later than most . Other than that I'll just let them be .

ms1476 said:
That is so true. I find that the most important part of growing peppers is to just look at the plants every day. They will tell you of issues, but you can not overreact to every little imperfection. It is the practices of patience and humility that prevent us from giving the plants what they do not really need. Isn't parenthood more about giving children what they need, rather than what they want? Just being involved with them helps us to determine the difference between what the child needs and what the child wants. As a parent, I could really screw a child up by allowing them to have what they want rather than need.
Sometimes, growers do the same thing to their plants, giving them what they don't need and then giving them something else to counter the effects of what they previously gave to them. They create issues and then spend the season attempting to resolve them.
I hope I do a better job with these plants than I do with my kids . I spoil the crap out of them :p