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ever heard of buckshots?

Hi all,

Hopefully someone can answer this for me..

I have been doing research trying to find an extremely hot pepper my family keeps referring to as "buckshots"

they are described as being small round green bb sized peppers that resemble buckshot
but so hot they usually cause blisters.

my grandfather apparently used to grow & pickle them in waco texas
and so far as I can tell while searching the net the closest thing I could come up with in a search for
HOT round & native to texas is possibly ‘McMahon’s Red Bird’ (AKA Chiletepin or Bird’s Eye Pepper)

However, this wouldn't make much sense because I have thai peppers that are listed below as
just as hot but for me do not make blisters.. any ideas?

could be the same as a turkey chile?

I think you are probably right on the money

just found this page:


they are indeed green, round & the Scoville Range: 100,000 - 400,000
so that most assuredly might cause a blister.
..now I just need to find out where to get some seeds
the family Chile cook off this year is gonna be on like doNkeY KoNg!! :onfire:

thanks jedisushi06!
texas blues has it about right, I'm not sure that causing blisters due to heat would be anything more than a very rare allergic reaction of some sort, otherwise using pepper spray would cause additional problems if it blistered skin upon administration to say the least. ;)
Perhaps it is a fond family exaggeration, or a bastardization of the saying "They were blisteringly hot!"
However if you manage to find them and present them to your family at gatherings I wager you will be the event hero!
(OR villain if they are not hot heads)
yeah my grandmother apparently sticks by her word saying she gave one of these wild buckshot peppers
to a friend as a joke and she almost fell out of her chair in shock that later caused a tiny blister on the inside of her lip.

and yes, I do indeed plan on presenting them at our next family Chile gathering that's the plan mwahaha
