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Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch here in Las Vegas. A short while ago I spent 2 days whippin' out a batch of tamales and thought I would add them as part of a throwdown but then I had an epiphany. THP doesn't have a proper Tex-Mex thread for fajita's, enchilada's, refried beans, chips and salsa and such what nots. I reckon it's right appropos to begin now ya'll. I'll start it off with ....

TB's Notorious Tamales.

I began with a 6 pound pork shoulder. Now I could have smoked the 'thang low and slow but growing up in Texas, all my Mexican brothers moms would either roast the pork or just slapped it in the oven. I went one better. Crock pot! I got the old pepper pot out, dusted it off and set it on 300f. I unwrapped the shoulder and readily saw it wasn't going to fit. Damn! Nothin' a little whack and hack can't cure. Cut that wombat in half and stuck it in the pot. I hit that with Spanish and Hungarian paprikas, garlic, some no name chile powder I had stashed away, Mexican oregano, cumin, pequins and chix stock.

Once the pot got chuggin' along after a couple hours, the whole house was filled with the aroma of slow roasting porkage. mrs. blues was going crazy..."is it done yet? How 'bout now? Well?"

Needless to say the porkage came out just like pulled pork but without the "que". This stuff was pure gold. mrs. blues attacked it outright! Rich pork flavor with double the squeel!

I pulled the pork apart and stowed it in the fridge for the next days fixin's, along with the pork broth leftover from the pot.

The next day, I prepped the corn husks by soaking them in room temp water for an hour. You gotta' put 'em in a bowl or pot covered with the water and weight them down so they don't float and stay dry.

I then seasoned the pork with some onion, more chile powder, cumin and pequin powder, along with returning some of the stock to the meat mix.

Mixed the masa dough with some pequin powder and granulated garlic and some of the pork stock. Rolled it out on a husk one at a time, added the porkage mix, rolled them up and tied them off. One by one they went into a big soup pot I have for such things. After all the tamales were in the pot, I added the stock and some water to fill the pot about halfway up on the tamales. Put the lid on and then set the temp to low on the stove top. I let 'em go for about an hour and a half.

Now I don't know if ya'll make your own tamales but lemme' 'splain ya'll.....the aroma's, the flavors, are nothing short of incredible....

I did up about 45 tamales and vacuum packed them for the freezer. Between taking them to work and eating them at home, mrs. blues has wiped out two thirds of them and I'll have to make more next week.

Well hell! Enough wastin' time talkin' about 'em...let's get to the piccy's ya'll!!

All seasoned up...


mrs. blues got me this 'thang...awesomenessess!!


Crazy stuff goin' on here...


All pulled..


More to come shortly in the next post ya'll!!

This is some mighty fine grubbage happeenniinn up in heah!

Fish Taco wars. This is great!
I finished off my leftover pheesh last night.

Whats this talk about a fish taco war?


I am the taco king!

Tough guys huh?

I got chunks of guys like y'all I pick out of my stool!
I must get this back on track.

Allright y'all mrs. blues is finally back from a 5 week 'bidness road trip. For her 1st meal back at The Blues Casa she wanted me to make her favorite taco meat and tacos.

She likes to be liking it simple. A pound of 80/20 ground chuck browned off and 2 small cans of black olives and 2 T's of McCormick Taco Seasoning. I also picked up some of her very bestest favorite fresh made butter flour torts and some avo's.
She made her plate and had to go do some homework in her office. She left me to clean up and wrap up the leftovers. Normally she doesn't eat leftovers of anything but she makes an exception for taco meat. All I could do was stare at it and drool.

I looked at the beefy Taco Bell like meat in the pan and then looked at the veggies I had planned on having for myself.

Screw that noise!!!

So I kyped some of her leftovers so that for at least one time this month I could eat like a man.

I fired up Black Betty and slapped one of them soft buttery flour torts on along with some shredded scheddar scheeze. I also threw on about 30 pickled chiltepins. JC in a chicken basket it smelled incredible!


Next I spooned up some of that trailer trash ghetto meat on 'thar.


Keepin' it right on with the right on, slapped some avo all up they thing too.


Reverse pie hole shot.


Y'all know damn well I mouth fisted the sheeit out of that little burrito and another after that.

Like rolling up a couple big fat Tex-Mex meat & scheeze spliff's.

Have mercy.
Smile I did.

I hearted it seguro que si.

Last meat anythang I ate was that BLT some time ago I made for SOTM.

I don't really miss eating meat per se but when I think about homemade Tex-Mex tacos or a cast iron or griddled cheeseburger I get all warm n' fuzzy n' sheeit.

Everbody knows I'm just a whore for that stuff.

Its just a question of negotiating price.
holy crap TB. That last pic is on my "Mount Rushmore" of your photos!!!! Damn!!!!

Wish I could find those little spicy green peas you got on there! Don't sell that in SoFlo....yet...
Heyy good to see the meatness

Ya know what makes that burreet stand out is the pickled chiltepins and frickin OLIVES in your taco meat. I don't even know what pickled chiltepins taste like, but it can only mean good things for that taco.

I been makin black olives for years with my tacos and everyone makes a face, or thinks I'm gross... That stuff is good though.

Also olives are great on pizza
I like to be liking that taco thingy you made there TB. Glad to see you still eating cow meat once in a while. Speaking of cow meat, I am going to give you some burger pron tonight in the burger thread.