misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Ever thought of marketing your stuff wheebz? That Heather Ale sounds interesting

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I was searching for Weinkeller in Berwyn. That location closed but there is one in Westmont and they serve German food. Not been so I don't know the quality.
pileiton said:
Ever thought of marketing your stuff wheebz? That Heather Ale sounds interesting

He's working on it, and I must say he is doing a helluva job of brewing. Wheebz you make great beer.

(hopefully that will get me some more free tastes :lol:)
You got it! Well, not just him. Anyone who makes beer that good should be recognized. I would right now like to recognize the good folks at Leffe in Belgium for making a fantastic blonde ale and making me drunkf tonight. And if anyone from there is listening I would like free tastes from you as well. :drunk:
JayT is one of like 4 people that gets to taste every beer that I brew, with exception to the new Heather scotch ale because I made it at my house and ill bring it in to him tomorrow

And I have had approx. 40 people tell me that my beer that I brew is so much better than most micros that I should open my own brewery
so where are you then???

I startted at lunchtme... and was shouted a tequila shot... hope you've got the stamina to keep up :P
Hard alkyhol or beer? hard to say really I'm a big guy so it takes quite a bit of anything - Ive drank 5ths of virtually everything thru a course of a day -- Ive had some pretty hard partying years under my belt sweetheart
Days ? j/k See now it becomes a pissing match -- But ok we can hang :cool: I dont drink like that anymore I've lost a lot of friends that way -- but if you bring it ....its on
1 1/2 hours tho I wasn't trying to outdrink anybody. I was thirsty, it was there and I was too lazy to go get something else. That was rare for me.
BTW a fifth of what ? My last smack down like that was with Southern Comfort -- which left me in not so much comfort the next day --