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Facebook is evil.

They constantly change their privacy policy, and each time, YOU have to opt-out of sharing your personal private information.

Facebook colects your data and sell it on the open market. Information that individually identifies you, your friends/contacts, interests, purchasing and spending habits.

There is currently an international Quit Facebook day planned for 31 May 2010.


Does anyone else here remember what Facebook tried to pull about a year ago in regard to photos uploaded to their site? They attempted to make users reliquish ALL rights to those images. Facebook would become the owner of images, with discretion to use as they saw fit. Your holiday snaps: sold to tourism boards. You throwing up after a bender with mates? Sold to MADD or other anti drink groups as part of a campaign. You in hospital? You guess......
ring sting said:
Facebook is evil.

They constantly change their privacy policy, and each time, YOU have to opt-out of sharing your personal private information.

Facebook colects your data and sell it on the open market. Information that individually identifies you, your friends/contacts, interests, purchasing and spending habits.

There is currently an international Quit Facebook day planned for 31 May 2010.


Does anyone else here remember what Facebook tried to pull about a year ago in regard to photos uploaded to their site? They attempted to make users reliquish ALL rights to those images. Facebook would become the owner of images, with discretion to use as they saw fit. Your holiday snaps: sold to tourism boards. You throwing up after a bender with mates? Sold to MADD or other anti drink groups as part of a campaign. You in hospital? You guess......

Thats why Pip!
That's no news. If you put information on Facebook (or THP for that matter) that is not OK for everyone (including your boss and children) to see you are more than just a little naive.
ring sting said:
Does anyone else here remember what Facebook tried to pull about a year ago in regard to photos uploaded to their site? They attempted to make users reliquish ALL rights to those images. Facebook would become the owner of images, with discretion to use as they saw fit. Your holiday snaps: sold to tourism boards. You throwing up after a bender with mates? Sold to MADD or other anti drink groups as part of a campaign. You in hospital? You guess......

That's pretty standard for a lot of photo sites as well.
I don't have a problem with anything that I put on facebook, and I don't plan to expose any deep dark secrets on there........so they can do what they like with my pics....:D

I have "selected" photos that don't find themselves on facebook but other than that, i'm not really worried....:lol:

P.S. I have managed to get back in contact with people that I haven't seen in years and have renewed some long lost friendships so for that reason alone I say THANK YOU FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!
i like fb.. i dont post any nudie pics so im safe :) not gonna quit just cause a group of people are going to.. I'm with pip.. i've been able to catch up with a tonne of people that i'd lost touch with..
MrArboc said:
That's no news. If you put information on Facebook (or THP for that matter) that is not OK for everyone (including your boss and children) to see you are more than just a little naive.

MrArboc, I agree entirely.

moyboy said:
I don't have a problem with anything that I put on facebook, and I don't plan to expose any deep dark secrets on there........so they can do what they like with my pics....:D

That is wise and your choice entirely. I am sure that you would not post pics of others in uncompromising situations either.

But it's not the photos that you or I post, but those that know me, who post photos, 'tag' me as being in them without my knowledge or consent that I may not agree to being published. For example, I go to a party at a private residence of a friend, get drunk, fall over, pass out and another guest then lifts my shirt/removes my pants and takes a pic on their phone. This gets uploaded as 'fun and games at the party' or whatever, starring RS. is tagged, compiled and voila! My privacy has been violated. May sound extreme, but not beyond the realms of possibility. Note that this is a private residence, not somewhere otherwise deemed as public, ie a bar or street.

moyboy said:
P.S. I have managed to get back in contact with people that I haven't seen in years and have renewed some long lost friendships so for that reason alone I say THANK YOU FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!

And this is a positive of social networking. I do not disagree that fb and similar sites have their advantages, but I personally think that other factors are detrimental.

I note that many people rail against their respective governments for a variety of reasons, but I think there are other organisations that we need to be wary of. At least a government to some degree is answerable to the people (a whole other debate) whereas the likes of google and fb are only answerable to their shareholders whose primary objective in the western world is to generate cash flows.

I am concerned about securing my privacy. As such, there is nowhere on the myriad of forums that I belong to that identifies me as 'Mr John Citizen' (damn, let that one slip now everyone will get my credit card numbers from the AMEX ads!). I am not the only one either. Many members I have met or contacted privately will request, as do I, that in public spaces we refer to each other by our screen name.

Secondly, over recent years, there has been a constant erosion of what is considered personal/private and public. My point of view is that some unscrupulous organisations tend to blur the line. This is nothing new however, Readers Digest, World Book and others have been collecting and collating data for many decades. In fact, when DNA researchers needed quality histories of family trees etc in the early stages of DNA research, they contacted the Mormon Church because of their record keeping.

I don't fill in surveys, I dont belong to supermarket 'rewards' clubs and I try to shop with cash rather than credit to avoid targeted marketing being sent to my address.

The marketer's line that they use my information to 'better provide information on services and goods that may interest me' is a whole lotta who-shot-john. I don't want better marketing! I want less marketing! Sure, offer me a product, but leave it at that. If I need something I will search for it. I dont want to be reminded of it for the next 12 weeks! (how many black leather bondage suits does one need?)

If people really wanted marketers input in their lives, fileshare sites such as rapidshare and tpb would have no business, as we'd all look forward to the ads providing us with exciting information on those goods and services of interest to us. (I dont want to enter the 'advertising pays for entertainment' debate. I fully understand the importance of advertising revenues to the media and sites such as this one).

Lastly, the argument 'If you've nothing to hide, then why worry' does not wash with me. I have nothing to hide, but I see no reason that others should be able to delve into my history to see if I have nothing to hide. After all, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty -- a tenet of most western democracies.

So, those that choose to use fb, be aware of what you are agreeing to. Read the privacy statement rather than clicking 'I Accept'. Read it often, for it changes often. And usually not to your benefit.

New Facebook slogan:

Facebook--- Reminding you why you hadn't kept up with those psychos from highschool.

(I'm trademarking that one...)
I think facebook is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and family but thats all it is, a tool. I can't believe the personal content some people choose to reveal these days, good luck finding a job when potential employers are researching your party habits.
And mafia wars invitations etc. drive me crazy:(