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seeds Fast Germination

Tuesday I was in Home Depot and noticed they had some Burpee Yellow Habanero seeds, so of course I bought pack because I'm addicted :) . I soaked them for about an hour then stuck them a coffee filter then a paper towel around it, wet it put it in a baggie, that was around 9:00 pm. I took them to work with the intention of leaving them in the car for a little while for the warmth. Around 12:45 I all of the sudden remembered them. I brought a thermometer so I could check the temp.....110! I figured the got baked, the paper towel wasn't too hot though, brought them inside put them in our server closet. At 4:00 I opened the bag up and it looked like 1 was trying to sprout, I was like not that quick, less than 24 hrs? i just went and checked them and 7 have sprouted, that's pretty crazy.Just thought I'd share.
some seeds react to radical change, some freeze their seeds and swear by it or some put them in the fridge for a couple of days before applying to heat and find that works. sounds like the seeds didn't get a direct heat and their surrounding moist filter was just perfect for them to germinate.

glad you pointed out they are yellow habs, i always just check the "seeds" section on burpee's site and never thought to look under the organic section - which is where they are found. i have been watching locally for biker billies, guess on my next trip to the nursery i can watch for yellow habs.