seeds Fatali seedlings??

Hello All,
I am ashamed to say that i did not have a good off season with the seed starting situation.
For the most part its more for fun for me as i prefer chillies and jals and stuff for picking and sauce ect.
That being said I do use A TON of fatali powder with my home made pepperoni and Salami making, is there anywhere online who will ship seedlings (fatali) to Canada??
I have some fatalii seeds I can try to send... not sure about what it takes to ship to Canada, though.
I've mailed seeds to Canada a few times.Used a regular envelope with a global stamp($1.25).Drop it in the box and that's it!
I am absolutely sure I have spoken in the forum to at least two Canadian seed / pepper sellers that might be able to help out.  Unfortunately, I can not remember any names.  Can anyone else remember?  I poked around and found only one of the two I was thinking of.  His site does not list plants, but bet he would know where you could turn without crossing a boarder.

Member Name: Drew126

Others poking around this thread are from Canada, check it out: