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Favorite Zeppelin album?

Which is your favorite Led Zeppelin album? Select as many as appropriate.

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Unpossible to say.

At times it's III, with the complex bass lines & organ playing of JPJ - the band was getting more sophisticated and really starting to stretch out. At others it's Physical Graffiti - the apex of their evolution. At others still it's going back to the raw bluesy powerful tracks of I & II. Then of course there's IV, an all time classic.

Unpossible to say.

Oh and as an aside Robert Plant & I have the same birthday. I'm younger ;)

Ps - in through the out door is extremely underrated.

And Presence is worth owning for Achilles' Last Stand alone. That song is epic.
Unpossible to say.

At times it's III, with the complex bass lines & organ playing of JPJ - the band was getting more sophisticated and really starting to stretch out. At others it's Physical Graffiti - the spec of their evolution. At others still it's going back to the raw bluesy powerful tracks of I & II. Then of course there's IV, an all time classic.

Unpossible to say.

Oh and as an aside Robert Plant & I have the same birthday. I'm younger ;)

Ps - in through the out door is extremely underrated.

And Presence is worth owning for Achilles' Last Stand alone. That song is epic.

Agree on all counts.
Well, Zeppelin has been a part of my life since 75 (parents wouldn't allow that horrible music in their home before that...haha) and like a bazillion other high school proms in that period "Stairway to Heaven" was the theme. (77 grad)
I had the pleasure of seeing Led Zep in Cincinnati in the late 70's and once while stationed in Germany in 80' (in a ice skating rink no less). That was part of the "In Through The Out Door" tour.
Long Live Rock !

I forgot to say which was best .... I can't :snooty: ...crap, i'll drink a few :drunk: and think about it.
since LZ was brought up, how do y'all listen to LZ now? Or when was tha last time you had a LZ LP, 8-track, cassette playing?

Does anyone have a Led LP 33rpm that they could play right now?
DarthPepper, Thankyou.

We have a pretty bitching amp-turntable-CD-speakers set up. And several times, we have set up the same song on vinyl and cd at the same time. Toggle back-and-forth between the two at the same time in the same song.....

ones-n-zeros.....VS....BillyHolliday in her cups....

ps-WeAreTheWorld....recently posted......gotta go find that..
I or III.... I rememember seeing them at the old Igloo for their No Quarter tour. Jimmy had the bow out,and actually hit more notes than missed. They played How Many More Times which made my night.
Pre "Mellotron" days........the earlier hard rock.....Zeppelin II.
I saw Zep in the mid 70's at the old "Chicago Stadium" with tantilizing acoustics. That place rumbled, I swear my ears are still ringing...(many concerts later) Zep was a huge studio multi-track band.

Sure, Page used a double-neck guitar at times but a few a few album tunes rang out the ole 12 string acoustic in one channel and a Lead Riff at the same time in the other......hmm.

The old style analog echoplex , phase shifter and townhall reverb gave Robert Plant's raspy voice the edge on many tracks........or maybe it was just the "Booze"

That was the era that I grew up through, the music I listened to, and part of the format our band played in the late 70's.
since LZ was brought up, how do y'all listen to LZ now? Or when was tha last time you had a LZ LP, 8-track, cassette playing?

Does anyone have a Led LP 33rpm that they could play right now?

Got all of them in HI-FI digital, but still have Houses of the Holy in LP.

Of course, my turntable plugs in via usb, so might as well listen to digital without the scratches.
I have them all on digital now.

I had everything on LP, including some rare limited edition stuff, and first printings - then while I was away at school my mom thought that my 4 milkcrates full of records would make an excellent donation to goodwill.


Lost some cool Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd stuff too (including a Roger Waters/David Gilmore auto'd album of the Wall)

Love my mom, but it was touch and go for a couple years after that. :rofl: