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fermenting Fermenting hot sauce invaded by tiny glitter fairies!

So I made a big batch of mash this year. I used two large glass jars with identical air locks. But one looks like its full of glitter now and the other looks perfectly fine.
Here is the setup with both jars.

Here is a closer look at the activity.

And another.

What the heck is going on with my sauce? Both mashes are from the same batch so everything was done the exact same.
@romy6 It's the one on the left. I focused the camera the best I could but the size of the sparkles are so small if you zoom in it looks like white dots. If you could see it how I do its like someone put in a few spoons of silver glitter and shook it up.
id say your jar wasnt clean.  Its hard to see in the pic but if the flakes look metallic thats a prob.  Could be substrate what do you grow in, is there vermiculite in it?  If theyre just white id say its just pieces of seed.
Does it look metallic or biological? 
I do not know anything about pepper ferments.
However, in the world of fermented tea, these little round balls are often various types of beneficial fungi (ie. aspergillus) associated with the fermentation process.
A particularly robust example of these is a type of tea that is cultured to grow "golden flowers". 
Interesting observation! 
if you had one large bowl of chopped up peppers and divided into these 2 jars, it seems the difference would be something that was in that one jar.  Maybe some hard water stuff that didn't get cleaned off the glass.  ??????
I did have one large bowl of mash that I divided into 2 jars. Both jars were sterilized the same way. I will try to make a video to show how the "tainted" jar really looks. The mash is only a week into fermentation. The glitter appearance only showed up on about day 4 so it didn't start out that way.
rjacobs said:
looks a little like salt crystals to me
But to be sure if its glitter or not, wait till its done, eat some, if you poop glitter, it was glitter.
And thank you MX I do indeed see it now.  First thoughts is perhaps some residue in the jar - same batch of mash divided in two - gotta be something in the jar don't you think?  If it were salt crystals it would be in both jars because the mash was mixed with salt and then jarred.  
Heckle said:
have it assayed cuz if you learned to grow silver i want to know
Bbbwwwaaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaaa!!!!!!!! :) :) :ROFL:
Bobby86 said:
I did have one large bowl of mash that I divided into 2 jars. Both jars were sterilized the same way. I will try to make a video to show how the "tainted" jar really looks. The mash is only a week into fermentation. The glitter appearance only showed up on about day 4 so it didn't start out that way.
Bobby86 said:
I did have one large bowl of mash that I divided into 2 jars. Both jars were sterilized the same way. I will try to make a video to show how the "tainted" jar really looks. The mash is only a week into fermentation. The glitter appearance only showed up on about day 4 so it didn't start out that way.
Ok I ask a question I see your problem I make a suggestion no reply!!! IS THIS THING ON!!! :) fine ill just go away