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bottling Filling methods?

Hi everyone,

I've just perfected my sauce and am cringing at hot filling a batch of bottles by hand using only a funnel.

Has anyone got a better technique than using a funnel (bar very expensive filling machines)

Welcome to THP!!

The fewer instruments you use for filling and canning the better. Just make sure everything is sterilized (including ladels and funnels!) I'd say the funnel is the best method. Try not to overfill and keep the cap and threads of your vessel clear of residue to ensure a good seal and prevent bacteria growth.
Thanks guys. :-) looks like it's funnel filling for me.

Another quick question - is pasteurising sauce in the bottle necessary with a ph of 3.6, simmering for 15 mins at 195deg and then hot filling?

I'll go and introduce myself in the other section.

Ive never done this but I remember reading someone else that used a coffee urn.. like the kind that holds 50 cups. I had always used the funnel when we first started., and yes,. it does suck!

Also, after you fill the bottles and put the caps on, place them upside down for a minute so the heat kills anything that could possibly be on the cap
and welcome!


Well it depends on the ingredients..contact Cornell University- they have helped us a lot. We don't make anything in our kitchen anymore once we found out we werent allowed to and all the regulations etc...but it depends the size of your production and where your sellin it and your states codes etc..good luck!
