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seeds First attempt from seeds

This is my first attempt from seed, hoping for some success. Originally planned to order some plants from Cross Country Nurseries but after watching everyone's season starts, i became very impatient. Thankfully BigPhilMD came to the rescue and donated some spare seeds (not that he really had a choice :rofl: ). I also ordered some seeds from Peppernania and NMSU (still waiting on these to arrive).

Purchased one of those hydrofarm "germination stations" w/ a heatmat at the same cost as the heatmat alone. Figured I'd give it a shot. Filled the cells with seed a seed starting mix, gave 'em a heathy drink and dropped the seeds in. Don't plan on watering again for a while. Keeping them nice and warm and patiently waiting for germination (if unsuccessful, i'll just try a defferent method)

from BigPhilMD:
Cayenne x 9
Anaheim x 6
Tabasco x 3
7Pod x 3
Bonda Ma Jacques x 3
Chocolate Habanero x 3
White Peruvian Hab x 3
Black Pearl x 3
Fatalii x 3

From Peppermania:
Chile de Arbol x 3
Lemondrop x 3
Chocolate Habanero x 3
Cajamarca x 3
Mystery seeds x 6

Pics to follow, once I have something worthwhile :) I figured I wouldn't bore you with my seed map, unless you really want to see how OCD I am :P
Nice list and good luck to you. Don't be too stingy on the water while they're germinating though. They need moisture, you don't want them standing in water but the seeds shouldn't ever dry out. I like to use a spray bottle to keep the surface moist. It's only after they sprout that you want to go easy on the water.
Thanks for the input, checked them today after a couple days and the surface still looks/feels moist, so I think I'm still okay on water. I'll keep an eye out, like you said I don't want the seeds to dry out.
Good luck lellie. I think you are better off than i am and you literally just started. Thanks avon for sorta answering my question on my post. I think.
welcome lellie, and we love pics, even if it is only of a tray with dirt in it. :)

have fun....just wait 'til you see the first little sprout! :woohoo:

pic of my spreadsheet because I didn't feel like trying to figure out how to post from Excel.


first sprouts!
2 anaheim, & 2 black pearl.



these little guys (2 tabasco) sprouted overnight. So tall, they didn't fit with the dome, so I just transplanted them.