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First frost is coming. We're all doomed.

So, first frost is rapidly approaching in Montana. My BJ plant just started flowering, and my habs set peppers about 10 days ago. My options would appear to be (1) move them indoors and quarantine them to be moved under my HID light; or (2) slaughter them and start anew. I guess (3) I could build a cold frame of some sort, but that would require work, which doesn't comply with my religious beliefs.
You need to extend your season somehow. A cold frame will be a bit of work but will save you having to use lights indoors. You can also bring plants indoors during cold nights and then back out during the day
Yeah, this was a good thread. Stupid server.

Anyways, I'm strongly considering administering Bonide systemic granules to the ones I want to bring inside, and trimming them down a bit so as to (1) allow them to adjust to their new habitat and (2) make sure that they don't begin fruiting for a couple months, until the insecticide has been fully flushed from both the plant and the medium. Is this a foolish thing to do, or am I correct in assuming that after a couple months, anything left will be so negligible as to be nothing to worry about?

Edit: the whole point being, these are clearly not for edible plants, but I can't imagine they render the plant dangerous in perpetuity...right?
Yikes, and I thought my season was short! We had a light frost on Sept. 9th last year, but it didn't do too much damage. Most of my tomatoes are still green, so I'm hoping to have at least another month before our first frost, but that could just be wishful thinking.

Hope all your plants make it through alright.
Yikes, and I thought my season was short! We had a light frost on Sept. 9th last year, but it didn't do too much damage. Most of my tomatoes are still green, so I'm hoping to have at least another month before our first frost, but that could just be wishful thinking.

Hope all your plants make it through alright.

They made it! It didn't get below 39. But the hotter varieties looked like they were parched this morning.
I live in Florida and we have summer all year around. :lol: Seriously though, I am going to start peppers inside this year around the beginning of October so I will have pepper plants ready to go out in January. :dance: I started my first peppers this year and have enough peppers to last me at least a year or two of 6 plants.

I'll be planting when all you suckers are freezing your peppers away. :eek: Good luck!
Glad to hear that your plants survived! Our forecasted low for tonight is 47, so it won't be too long before we start getting frost advisories here too.

TheLonelyHab, I'll take our cold winters over your high humidity any day!
It's COOL here today!!!! I am NOT ready for cold weather. Most of our peppers are in containers and IF a hard frost was forecast we would move them all into the house. Fortunately this is highly unlikely to happen and we should get by until middle of Oct before we have to worry about damaging frost. This is a good thing as the plants have a lot of green pepperfs hanging on them.