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First Grow, Orange Hab's, Fire A$$ and Fire Pee

So I've always had a green thumb, (yes, and no, I have no idea what you're talking about). I grew things since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Avacado trees and random plants and cacti. Nothing major. Always liked chili too, but not ever a really big fan. For some unknown reason this year I had a very strong urge and impulse to grow chili's.

Before I'd work my way through a Jalapeno. I'm not a regular chili eater either but for some reason I want to grow chili's. So I start my first chili plantings. Seems to be going well too.

I read on here that if you go about it right you can get used to and kind of become adjusted to chili and their burning capabilities. So I set out on a mission. Eat one chili a day in training for when the harvest comes. And so I have.

This has been off and on for about a month, and then, I see them. I go to the grocery store and spot the famed Orange Habanero. I get 2. To date, strongest chili's I've consumed have been dry pequin from the packs. Strong and brief burn. Jalapeno's still seem to kick well but are now starting to taste like bell peppers with bite.

I ate my first Orange Habanero. First nip off the end like touching the big toe into the water. Woo, that's hot. But not like I imagined. There is a delay from the time you chew it to the time you start a good burn. I'm not satisfied with the burn. Bigger bite next. WOW, now that's fire. AGAIN AGAIN, I take a bite probably the size of a nickle. I get water pouring from one eye while the other eye just gets some tear drops. My mouth is consumed completely by the delayed onset of the chili. The Habanero is fruity with those green pepper light accents. All in all I was on fire for the better part of an hour on about 3/4 of a whole Habanero eaten raw.

Now I wait. I wait for the morning after. Despite all my fear I have come to the moment of truth. A little tingle but nothing major. Hey, I think eating them raw is much more different than in sauces with vinegar and oils. Hmmmm

Since then I've eaten a burger made with a Habanero and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Good burn while eating but it was even, lasting and nothing too extreme that'd make me quit.

Last night I go for it again. Small tester bite and then the nickel bite. WOW! I'd had a lot to drink that day, must make peepee. Yikes! What the? Ok, why is my pee burning? Anybody have that happen? (I know there is room for jokes but seriously) I noticed it both other times I ate the Habanero's too. Today as well was the first time I got fire a$$ the morning after. Wasn't as brutal as I thought it'd be. I can hang man, I can hang.

All in all, my expectation of 300,000+ scoville was worse than what I actually experienced. I think as long as I keep eating them fresh, and often, I'm in the clear.
are you talking about your stream or the unit itself...if you are talking about the unit itself, you touched it with your fingers that had handled the pepper with and the oil of the pepper made the peepee burn...
Keep in mind, the grocery store Hab's generally aren't 300,000, occasionally you get a few that does it justice, but generally not. Wait until you have one fresh off the plant! Wohoo!!! :lol:
@AJ My unit hole, if you will. I don't handle my stuff very much when I take a leak. I guess it's possible somehow the oils got around, but I'm really thinking the percolation through my system left some oil intact and left out of the urine.

@imaguitargod Ok, I was kind of thinking that too. 2 Hab's ran me .17 cents. I think I can keep at it for a while.

Another bad on my part, I washed my hands 2 times, and still had a firey eyeball later when I scratched and itch. Gonna have to do supm bout that.
you cant wash the capsaicin off with soap and water once the oil gets on your skin...you have to use other methods to remove the capsaicin...you have to use something the capsaicin is soluable in such as butterfat...
AlabamaJack said:
you cant wash the capsaicin off with soap and water once the oil gets on your skin...you have to use other methods to remove the capsaicin...you have to use something the capsaicin is soluable in such as butterfat...

or bleach and brake clean.
@AJ GOOD LOOKIN OUT!!! Thanks for that man. That is great info. I didn't pick up my baby the rest of the night cause I didn't want to risk giving her a burn. I did handle the chili carelessly as I thought I could wash it off. I was removing the center to keep the seeds. Those oils must have soaked in pretty well under my nails too.
Diablo said:
I was removing the center to keep the seeds. Those oils must have soaked in pretty well under my nails too.

I recommend using a fork and knife. You can still spray some of the oils on you but overall it works well. If you want to go to the next level, you can buy latex gloves. Way to go on the Habs. It is fun isn't it?
@Necrocannibal yep, I'm already shoppin for next year. Thinking of hitting up AJ for some of his seeds from this years loot.
Diablo said:
@Josh Yeah, I guess I'll have to do supm like that. How long should I dry the seeds outside?

I have never dried seeds outside so I do not know. I usually leave mine on a paper plate in my kitchen. Sorry I can't tell you how long I let them sit out because I am newer to this and when I did it last season I based the timing on how they looked.
@Josh That's what I'm doing too. They've been outside for a couple 90* plus days so they should be good now.
Diablo said:
@Necrocannibal yep, I'm already shoppin for next year. Thinking of hitting up AJ for some of his seeds from this years loot.

I have a Scorpion sitting outside right now and cant wait until it gives me some pods. CANT WAIT!
I've been training too. I just found out yesterday that a green tabasco fresh off the plant is way hotter than a bottle of sauce from the grocery store. I don't even remember the white habs having a kick like that ... Of course I only ate small slices of those or ate them with meat or cheese.
I paid for it this morning too.
@Necrocannibal dude, post some pics when you get a chance.

@Novacastrian ;P

@caroltlw there seems to be a difference, the morning after, between fresh chili's and chili's that get to go down with vinegar and oils.
diablo - yes I've had the stream of fire & still get it, more so when I eat HOT n' sour soups.
I thought more people here would of experienced it but it doesnt seem like they have cuz I've asked this before. I guess its a select few that get this, maybe something with the body since everyone is different.

AlabamaJack said:
you cant wash the capsaicin off with soap and water once the oil gets on your skin...you have to use other methods to remove the capsaicin...you have to use something the capsaicin is soluable in such as butterfat...

milk will work too!
chilehunter said:
diablo - yes I've had the stream of fire & still get it, more so when I eat HOT n' sour soups.
I thought more people here would of experienced it but it doesnt seem like they have cuz I've asked this before. I guess its a select few that get this, maybe something with the body since everyone is different.
Yep, never had the stream of fire (well....from peppers that is).