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First hook of the year is...

a pequin that came from a store bought dried pod that I really didn't expect to germinate at all, I just threw some in the seed starting mix at the last minute on a whim. In fact I ordered some pequin seeds after I sowed these. I know some seeds from commercial dried pods germinate because I tested various ones a few years ago, but it seems like it's usually the seeds from the bigger/thicker pods (e.g. ancho) that germinate, I thought because they protect the seed more from the high heat often used in drying. I'm pretty sure the last time I tried to germinate pequins from commercial dried pods it didn't work, but this time they're my first hook at 5 days (only planted chinenses, wilds, pubescens, and these pequins so far). So the moral of the story is, if you're not sure, you might as well try. :D

edit: actually have 2 chiltepin and 1 scotch bonnet popped that I didn't see, so it's tied for first.
That is great to hear. I have never tried to sprout seeds from dehydrated pods because of the temperature concerns you mentioned. That is nice it worked out for you.