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First Hot Peppers and First Plant Of Any Kind - Need Advice

only126db said:
Thx, turning my grow tent into a nursery, turning my sun room into a garden LOL, wife is so happy :crazy: :censored:
Just remember, plants don't talk back... I've always believed that you can either accept a situation, attempt to change it, or remove yourself from it. LOL
Just an update.....
Plants have been outside for awhile now and as more and more peppers grow I have come to the conclusion that these are not Ghost Peppers...
I have a ton of peppers growing on my two main plants and they look to be Butch T's
August 24 update.....
Took a pic of my biggest plant, my kid standing behind it is 5'10" tall
Did my first partial harvets...
The smaller harvest is the same as the hanging peppers and the picture with the ruler is from my other plant. I still have over 100 peppers easily, probably topping 150 still left to harvest when they change....


The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
For a first time grower, wow, just WOW! 
Thank you....
My next challenge for me will be the overwintering of these bushes, they have grown past being plants :)
Hopefully all goes well and I can build a raised bed for them to get more sun next year and see how well they produce....
only126db said:
Thank you....
My next challenge for me will be the overwintering of these bushes, they have grown past being plants :)
Hopefully all goes well and I can build a raised bed for them to get more sun next year and see how well they produce....
I'm intrigued to follow your over winter process!  Plants look great!

Did you get your fungus gnat problem under control?  I'm facing a bad fungus gnat problem currently, was planning on over wintering my Jalapeno plant but might chop it down at first frost if I can't take care of them.  
Towlieee said:
I'm intrigued to follow your over winter process!  Plants look great!

Did you get your fungus gnat problem under control?  I'm facing a bad fungus gnat problem currently, was planning on over wintering my Jalapeno plant but might chop it down at first frost if I can't take care of them.  
My fungus gnat problem seemed to go away once the plants went outside. I did have an issue with one tote/plant, that got extremely over watered by a  drip system issue, I put a layer of play sand about 1" thick over the soil and that seemed to help but I had to remove the plant from the soil because it was just too saturated so I let that soild dry completely and really have not noticed any gnats lately. We will see what happens once I start the over wintering process...
only126db said:
My fungus gnat problem seemed to go away once the plants went outside. I did have an issue with one tote/plant, that got extremely over watered by a  drip system issue, I put a layer of play sand about 1" thick over the soil and that seemed to help but I had to remove the plant from the soil because it was just too saturated so I let that soild dry completely and really have not noticed any gnats lately. We will see what happens once I start the over wintering process...
My plants have been outside, I do think I overwater a bit, and my soil has compacted and doesn't drain worth a shit, but the season is almost over, so I'll ride it out for now.  
Just a few minutes ago I asked a friend of a friend what seeds he had, he had told me that he had hot pepper seeds, turns out he has Carolina Reaper seeds....  So I think I'll just finish my outdoor peppers, and start those in a closet under my CFL's, im excited now :) haha
Just went out and harvested some more....There are so many hidden under leaves it's crazy...This batch did not even consist of 1/4 of whats left on the one plant, the other is close to the same....
As for the overwintering the plant, i overwintered my C.chinense plants by cutting the stems to around 10 inches and then put the plants near some window. Gave the plants very little water during the winter time to make them go to a hibernate stage.