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First sauce of the summer

Greetings. Just found this place. Figured I'd post after I made something worthy of reporting. There's a wealth of information here, so I'm stoked I found this place.

So... first sauce of the season. A Strawberry-Reaper-Moruga hot sauce. Threw in a few White Bullet Habs as well as some strangely hot jalapeños. A pound of Strawberries. Some molasses, mango nectar, honey, brown sugar, some ginger beer, lemon and lime juice as well as a bit of Ghost pepper simple syrup infused with Meyer Lemons.

It was very sweet and predictably hot, but there was a bitterness I didn't like. So, I added some carrots and strawberry jam. That seems to have done the trick.

My house now smells like evil.
:welcome: deschet! 
Sounds like a great sauce.  Any Pics?  we luuuv pics~~~~ :cool:  Did you add any vinegar?  The bitterness might be from the placenta and seeds.  Sometimes that happens. 
PS- there's a saying around here.... No Pics= Never Happened!  :lol:
Pics as soon as I upload them. It appears there is no native upload option here; presumably a premium feature.

Yes. Definitely vinegar. Apple cider, sherry and champagne vinegars respectfully.

The sauce is a deep, chocolate red. Very sweet. So far, good on chicken. Still not as good at the Moruga Pumpkin sauce from last year.
To upload pics, use an off-site pic hosting site like Flickr, photobucket, etc.  Copy
salsalady said:
To upload pics, use an off-site pic hosting site like Flickr, photobucket, etc.  Copy code and paste into post here.
Heh... Yeah. I'll figure that out at some point.
JoeFish said:
I had some Punishment and it was pretty brutal at least for me.

I have a few bottles of both the Crime and Punishment. They're both brutal. But, if you're making chili, marinate short ribs in either with some peppers. Bueno.

Heh... I have a request for a hot sauce from a friend. He wants a lime sauce. He wants to call it Lime and Punishment. Anyone have experience in a Lime-Scorpion/Datil/Fatali sauce?
Welcome to THP Deschet!  Nice sounding recipe - I look forward to the pics!  
Deschet said:
Anyone have experience in a Lime-Scorpion/Datil/Fatali sauce?
10 hot peppers - let's say 3 scorps, 3 fatali and 4 datils
2 cloves garlic
8oz fresh pineapple (or fresh ripe mango or even orange juice in a pinch)
1-2oz lime juice
salt to taste
grind all ingredients save lime juice and salt in food processor.  remove to a bowl and add salt and lime juice to taste - usually for me I use 1/2 tsp salt and 2oz lime juice. 
great with all manner of sea creatures and pork.
SmokenFire said:
Welcome to THP Deschet!  Nice sounding recipe - I look forward to the pics!  

10 hot peppers - let's say 3 scorps, 3 fatali and 4 datils
2 cloves garlic
8oz fresh pineapple (or fresh ripe mango or even orange juice in a pinch)
1-2oz lime juice
salt to taste
grind all ingredients save lime juice and salt in food processor.  remove to a bowl and add salt and lime juice to taste - usually for me I use 1/2 tsp salt and 2oz lime juice. 
great with all manner of sea creatures and pork.
Nice! Think that would work with key limes? Would you add any sugar? I have blood orange juice. But I want the dominant flavor profile to be lime.
Deschet said:
Nice! Think that would work with key limes? Would you add any sugar? I have blood orange juice. But I want the dominant flavor profile to be lime.
Sure it would work w key limes!  It's pretty 'lime-y' as is, but taste and add sugar to balance if you see fit (or honey of agave nectar).  Blood orange would probably be great with those peppers too.  Note that using orange juice will make it a bit thinner, so you might want to use a little less - like add 6oz and see how the consistency is then add more as you like.   Experimenting is the fun part!