First super hot pods...

Plants are doing okay, not without some issues but pods are looking good.

Bhuts are looking very nice.


Two plants from "Bhut Jolokia" seeds purchased online are proving to look more like Scorpions I think.




I had a serious infestation of these little flies today. I sprayed a mild solution of Bio Mist. Not sure what they are but they are gone for now.

Are they Gnats? The soil is rather moist, it's been raining quite a bit lately.

Modest haul so far. lol
Agreed, you can't show a pretty picture like that and not identify it :D

They do look like not bhuts, that's for sure
Actually the purple peppers were bought as 6" plants and labelled "Chili Mauve" (french). They are very common around here in the spring. I'd actually be interested to know what they are exactly because I have not been able to find a purple pepper that comes from a plant with small purple leaves. Bolivian Rainbow and Haitian Purple were suggested to me however both those plants have green leaves. This plant has purple leaves from the start.
The peppers will all turn purple and have a nice amount of heat for everyday cooking or decorating. They can't be pickled because they turn sickly white. I've never powdered them because you'd need a ton to get a decent amount of powder. I'd be happy to share seeds. 
@Sliz - they are definitely not Bhuts and unfortunately judging by the size compared to my super hots, I don't think they are anything spectacular. We'll have to wait and see. Kinda bums me out because they were among the more expensive seeds I purchased. I won't mention where I got them just in case the mistake was mine in the labeling but I was pretty meticulous with the supers. 
Those not bhuts look pretty sweet. I'd be pleased with that surprise! Way better than spending the time and getting habs or the likes. At least they're supers.
Plants looking nice.
I hope they're supers. They look like Scorpions but none of my other supers with the exception of the Bhuts are that big. It'll be interesting to see what they are.
I didn't include a photo of my Habs and Bonnets come to think of it. They were over wintered and are going crazy.