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First time Bhut Jolokia grower


I have recently started growing Bhut Jolokias and Butch T Scorpion peppers and I am new to growing chillies, so any input on what I am doing right or wrong would be great.

I am growing them in a approx 5 gallon planter using "Miricle Grow Expand n Gro". I have recently started to feed with epson salt and a bit of Miricle Grow Tomato Food.

Below are two pics of issues with my plants that I am having.

The first one, I am not sure if its bugs or heat. My guess would be bugs, and if so how do I get rid of them?


The second issue is what looks to be a burn mark, I think I may have watered them too late in the day one time so that could be it, but if anyone has any other ideas let me know :)


Thanks for all your help in advance :D
I would say the first one is def some kind of aphid/mite damage. Neem oil helps take care of them things. And the second pic I'm not really sure.
I would say the first one is def some kind of aphid/mite damage. Neem oil helps take care of them things. And the second pic I'm not really sure.

Thanks for the reply. I will give neem oil a shot and see what happens. As for everything else am I on the right path? Right soil, right feed?
Careful with the nutrients, sometimes people love em to much, check your soil mix its possible you don't need to fertilize them for months if the soil is premixed, also back off watering unless its windy and or hot you shouldn't have to water more than twice a week.
Careful with the nutrients, sometimes people love em to much, check your soil mix its possible you don't need to fertilize them for months if the soil is premixed, also back off watering unless its windy and or hot you shouldn't have to water more than twice a week.

On the bag of Expand n Gro, it says that it feeds for up to 6 months, however on the back it says start to feed after 30 days :confused:

With a bunch of hot days ahead, I watered/feed last night, so I should be good for a couple days till the next watering.
Yea they seem alright. If you start growing organically, these problems won't occur 95% of the time. Synthetic fertz can cause damage very easily on plants if not used correctly. Also makes leaves more suspect to mite and aphid and bad garden bugs. Using organics your plants develop a good bio film over the leaves that bugs are not interested in what so ever and will move on to different plants that are easier for them to get at. I suggest doing a search on AACT and you will find all the info you need. Maybe even start growing organic after reading about it.
You're miracle grow is already HOT with nutes. My suggestion is lay off the miracle grow anything, and invest in some quality potting soil.

As said above organic is the way to go, and it will pay off in quality and flavor.

Also, IMHO, that doesn't look like nute burns. More like sun scortch. But, between using MG soil AND adding nutes, thats a good way to burn em also.
I did a complete look over the plants last night. No beetles, but I did find some earwigs under the pots and a small spider under one of the leaves.
I also grabbed some diatom earth (recommeded by a guy at a hydroponics store) and mixed it with some water, sprayed it on and under the leaves.
Also sprinkled it under and around the pots. This morning took a look under the pots and no more earwigs or other bugs.
it looks like fert burns.. sometime we tend to over feed them tooo much TLC can kill !!!!!.....stay off fertz... for a while....
I haven't used ferts since the first and only time I have.
There seems to be more chunks taken out of the leaves. The older leaves are fine, just the new ones are getting eaten.
pictures of the new damage??

This is as of this morning. I haven't used any ferts. I have only used diatom earth in a spray bottle. I am thinking of sprinkling it around the base of the plant.

Should I remove the leave that is half eaten? Its weird cause the other plant is doing fine, just not this one.
I came back from vacation to find my plants even worse then they are in the pic above.
They are growing leaves with in the plant, but still no flowers. Are they even worth saving
I'd keep going with them. I have learnt how hardy these plants can be, and have saved many of mine that I thought had gone past saving.
This is them as of this morning.

Plant #1 - TOP


Plant #1 - SIDE


Plant#2 - TOP


Plant#2 - SIDE

Any advice would be great. It just rained yesterday so all the diatom earth washed off. I just hope I get a couple peppers from each plant.
A little chewed up, hit em with neem or light soapy water, they'll be fine. There's no way to protect outdoor plants 100% from bugs. I say keep an eye on 'em, knock off any that you see, and don't worry too much about it.