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First Time Grower...So many questions. HELP!

I have been planning to grow my own peppers for a while now and I have been doing as much research as possible. However, there is so much information out there that I don't know what applies to what. I know ALL you guys have great input and I plan on following the advice you give me. So for the facts: I have about 60 seeds 20 Bhut, 20 seven pod, and 20 scorpion. I am willing to purchase whatever I need to begin growing indoors. I say i have about $200 to invest in attempting my grow season. I live on the Eastside of Washington and the weather is similar to that of a desert (Dry with at least 90 degree weather daily). I am doing this from scratch so I almost need to be walked through the process. I have a few questions to start...

1. How many seeds do I put in each pot?
2. What indoor grow setup do you recommend?
3. When do I move the plants from indoors to outdoors?
4. How long can I expect these plants to take? (It will be warm here til at least late september)

You guys have been great at helping others become true chili heads. I hope to learn and pass my knowledge on someday!
1. By each pot, are you talking about germinating or growing? I recommend germinating in small-celled flat inserts with a heat mat on the bottom. If you have good seed, one seed per cell will work. If you aren't sure about the seed, drop two or three in each cell and thin them later. Transplant once they get two sets of leaves into say a 3.5" or 4" pot. After that, transplant into their final growing place. If it's a pot, I recommend 5 gal minimum with one plant per pot.

2. Wire shelves from Sam's club and two shop lights fixtures per shelf work for me. Of course, you can get more elaborate, but I grow on a budget.

3. Start hardening off whenever the weather allows. Gradually increase your plant's exposure to sun. Start with maybe an hour a day, then two, then three and so on. Time it so that you can leave them out when nighttime temps are at or above 55 deg. F.

4. Superhots take about 90-120 days after transplant. I started my seeds on December 26. You can still grow them, but you will probably have to bring them inside in late fall to ripen off any pods.

1. How many seeds do I put in each pot?
2. What indoor grow setup do you recommend?
3. When do I move the plants from indoors to outdoors?
4. How long can I expect these plants to take? (It will be warm here til at least late september)
Read alot take notes on what might work for you, there is alot of ways to get to same place, my growing conditions are different that yours I do what works for me. don't be afraid to try different things, good luck and good growing
I'm a first time grower too. Looking at different peoples grow logs is a great source of information and ideas.

Good luck.
I like to germ in a coffee filter, and then move into 4 in pots straight off. I also put them straight out in the yard before they break ground, so they grow up use to the sun, and don't need hardning off.
Are you planning on starting plants this late in the season. You may want to just buy plants now or get ready for next season
I was planning on starting this weekend. Our summer heat is long here since it is a desert climate. I figure I can use half the seeds to experiment with now and maybe save the rest for next yearr.
Hey HAndrew. I would suggest you go ahead and plant some seeds now and also acquire some plants already started. Even if you struggle to get many ripe pods by fall, you will learn so much along the way. Best to start the learning process now. No matter how much you read, trial and error will teach you even more. Also, you will be in great shape to overwinter the ones you want for an even better 2nd year. I would be happy to share a few of my plants with you. Sometime this summer I would love to do some kayaking in your part of the state and could drop off some plants (I have too many). One thing that saved me from last year's difficult growing season was getting a greenhouse. That gave me an extra couple of months for the pods in the potted plants to fully ripen and saved my season. Welcome to THP from Maple Valley,WA.
That would be awesome, Chileaddict. In return I can make hot sauce out of them and send the final product to you. As far as other ways to acquire plants is this something I need to go out and ask or are there actual places (like a farmers market) where I can buy directly from?