overwintering First time inside winter grow

Hey folks. I'm in zone 3, a tough cookie for growing some of the more exotic peppers, and I didn't get to plant any outside this year. I'm going to try an inside grow with a unique setup---my growing location will be in a south-facing pantry window (which is waiting to become a garden window when I can get to it), and where I live the sun will be almost horizontal to the window from November to March, so I'll be able to utilize some of that in combination with a t8 32w fluorescent fixture that I use for starting summer vegies.

The shelving is adjustable, so as my plants mature I can lower the shelf to facilitate full use of sunshine, the fluorescent fixture is already designed to be height adjusted. There is an outlet immediately to the window's right, and I 'll use a heat pad to keep my plants warm on a 30-below February night. I'd like my first grow to be my current favorite, the Peruvian aji Amarillo. I ordered seeds on Amazon once and learned a lesson I could have gotten from Juanito's grow guide thread--$8 and not one of the 10 seeds germinated. I received vendor advice my first day on this site, so I'm good on that score. I saw a video that Neil @ the Hippy Seed Company did taste-testing an Amarillo, I'd love to get pods of that girth.
I am hopeful that the one t8 fixture will be enough, considering the natural sunlight my plants will get additionally. I once grew a Serrano in a basement many years ago with a single incandescent 100 watt gro-lite, and while I harvested a few dozen pods, they were small and lacking in any heat or flavor. I expected no fruit though, so I guess it was a success. Juanito recommends 2 t8 fixtures, but I don't have the room, so this may just wind up to be a science experiment, but hey, life is short, no? 
I'm not sure of soil medium to use, I have the Black Primordial Ooze that is the black dirt in this area (note the miles and miles of soybeans just across the road--I'm surrounded by this kind of farmland), but drainage is an issue with this stuff, it's so fine and silty. I'd read that the aji's are a perennial, so I could conceivably transplant to the 8th acre come May and be that far ahead of the game... 
can use the soil just add a bunch of perlite to it (like 33-50% volume). when ur at nursery getting perlite can ask if they have a quick draining mix and test that out as well.
2xt8 fixture is for width of 2' it doesn't look that wide on your shelf. and with natural sunlight i'm sure you'll be fine.
We have a few different bags of potting soils, and one of them is a "starter" blend, another more peat than soil, and yet another is a Schultz potting soil with what vaguely looks like dirt (remember I live on top of 10,000 year old mammoth guts, dodo bird droppings and fish entrails) with perlite mixed in, but I want to incorporate the local stuff in case I can transplant in the Spring into the 8th acre.
Thanks for the reassurance on that 2xt8, Juanitos. I plan to incorporate foil to some degree as well...
Willard, you're not just right about cold radiating through that glass, but dammed right. The pantry is brand new, remodeled out of a larger open area. The original 4 inch exterior wall had only R-7 insulation and no vapor seal whatsoever--Built in the '50s with no doubt a limited budget and even less knowledge. I furred the wall to over eight inches, installed 2-inch foam panel against the inside of the exterior substrate and put in heavy R-36 fiberglass insulation. The window is obviously the weak point, and though it's been sealed every way from Tuesday it is an archaic 1/2 inch dual pane, so it will be an issue. 
What I have going for me is a 4 X 2 foot heating pad and the fact that this 6 X 11 foot pantry has both a large beer fridge and a small chest freezer inside, and the compressors maintain a cozy temperature in the room all winter long.
No doubt my methods are going to evolve as I go and learn more. I really wish I had a dedicated space to build a grow room, but we adapt. I have a go from SWMBO to build a greenhouse, but that's not at the top of the list either right now.
...and I'm going to appreciate every bit of advice I can get... :party: