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seeds First year growing from seed. How are they doing?

This is my first year growing hot peppers from seed. Last year I got a few generic pepper plants from the store and planted them. I worked on a farm for 10 years so I have a lot of plant maintenance experience but very little hot pepper or seed experience. Here is a picture of my 6 Ghost pepper plants which germinated January 21st so almost 4 weeks in now. There are a few roots showing at the bottom of the container which leads me to believe I am doing something right. These are under 3000 Lumen CFL's


Here are my 2 chocolate habanero and 1 giant generic green pepper (along with a teeny tiny ghost pepper)


I noticed the stem on the chocolate habanero is a green/white color while the ghost pepper stem is a dark purple. Is this a normal trend?

Overall I just want to know if this is normal for 4 weeks in on the super hots.

I planted seeds for these varieties on last Saturday so im sure I will have questions once these come up as well lol

Mustard habanero
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bishops Crown Pepper
Alma Paprika
Fish Pepper
Capulin F1 Pepper
Corno di Toro Yellow
I think your plants look great - just keep doing what you're
doing unless something goes way bad, then use your farm
experience! They look nice and healthy. (BTW you can insert
your link in your post with the image icon in the tool bar above
to include the photos directly in the post.)
Great job your doing more than great I have about a month and some days and my plants are still in germination process some have 3 months and are barely showing true leaves lol well great job keep it up you might be pro already and not even know