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misc Flightless Ladybugs

Delta said:
Engineered flightless ladybugs? It's wrong, period! Many, if not most of the people on this forum seem to be opposed to messing with nature. This is exactly that to the extreme. Just leave stuff alone. I won't get into Chinese and Japanese "engineered" EVERYTHING but I will say that my first year overwintering, I had a huge aphid problem. Ten minutes on the net and seven dollars spent at the drug store and they were gone. Flightless ladybugs...amazing.
Sorry but the fine people at the "research centre in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan" touched on a tender nerve. lol
Didja read the article or just jump right on the fear mongering train?
Scientists at the Western Region Agricultural Research Center of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization selectively bred the Harmonia axyridis, a beetle native to Japan, over 30 generations until they lost their ability to fly.
Selectively breeding a predator to a purpose, much like many other commercial beneficial insects. "Engineered" ladybugs or increase pesticide use? Pretty easy choice.
I liked your joke plaisr, though then again I was one of the first to make Willie Pickton jokes XD
spysee said:
Turkeys already have to be artificially inseminated because they basically are just wings breasts and legs now..
I passed one of the many turkey farms in the area today and...they all looked pretty normal. Not sure what you're talking about.