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Flowers falling off

I have 4 plants under a 600w hps. Two of them are 2' tall and the other are probably a little over 1'. I have a built into the wall (similar to a bathroom exhaust fan). It is pushing air into the 6'x9' grow room 24/7. These plants under the 600w light are within 1' of the fan and have the air blowing directly on them. This is cold air from the basement. Someone told me I should be gently shaking my plants every once in awhile to move pollen around.. When I did this, probably a dozen flowers fell off the plants.
Is this because of the air hitting them constantly or something else?
Not the constantly thats the problem. They fell off cause something wasnt right. a healthy plant can take a shake!
Whats the temp down there? The light is kickin off heat but if your around 60F or lower she could drop some blooms.
If its close try warming it up somehow, and remember the roots are heat dependent as well. get them off the floor if thats what the pots are sitting on.
My outside temps are in the 50;s at night and the blooms havent fallen off.. temp could be it , but you need to check every variable to see if i could be something else.
My plants shed their blooms when the weather is hot, 30+ for a few days in a row. I find most of the blooms set at about 20 - 28C. I don't shake my plants so to speak, but using 1 finger I tap the lower part of the stem to send vibrations to the flowers to get some pollen to move around. You could always get your finger stuck into them!
Make sure the flowers have pollen too. If conditions aren't perfect, you'll sometimes see flowers with absolutely no pollen on them. You can usually, quite quickly tell if a bloom is gonna set. If it starts to look pale green to yellow, its a matter of time til it drops. If it looks like its still growing, especially in thickness, then its a very high chance it will be set.
My plant outside, aji limon, was having a very hard time with weather and potential bacteria, flowers dropping everywhere. Since the weather cooled down and become stable, to my surprise, its now set about 6 pods!
You could also try GH bloom booster just to ensure the has a ready available source of nutes.
For me the most important factor I've noticed is temperature. Even if, nute wise, I give them little to nothing, they can set blooms but if the temps are too hot they come off. Not sure about cold. Were a few days off summer so cold does not exist. I will say though that its very likely the plant will shed blooms if its too cold. If a plant is cold or not receiving enough light, it will drop leaves or blooms to conserve energy. Maybe blooms drop when its hot because the plant is working over time to absorb moisture from the soil so it spits the flower and absorbs away.
Are you giving them flowering Nutes??  I have a Orange Anaheim, under a 400w 24/7 temps are 50-80F and it just set some flowers, and I have a Jay's red Ghost Scorpion under my 600W 12/12 I think about the same temps that is just starting to flowering, and I found that there's three main things why my plants flowers kept falling off, Cal- Mag and not enough PK.   I think mostly not enough PK  is why my flowers kept falling off most of the summer.  
Flower drop probable causes:
1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F or too high >85F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot 
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention/anxiety.
I've got fans directly on my plants, they dance in the wind all day long. My first 20 flowers set pods really easily (with manual pollination help)
Definitely check out the list willard posted and see if any of them would fit your conditions. If a lot of flowers are falling off, it's definitely a sign that the plant isn't healthy.
I'm going to try to respond to everything that has been said. 
* The temperature in the room does not go below 75. It ranges from 75 at night to mid 80s during the day. I control this with a heater. The room I built is insulated. 
* I water once a week or so and every other watering I use GH Bloom. One of the plants has had symptoms of what megahot referred to as BLS. I stopped watering that plant as much, but the soil always seems dry after a week or no water, so I end up watering it again. 
* The plants get light from 5:30pm to 7:00am daily.
* The plants are in 16" pots. 
Here's an album I made a few days ago. The plants dropping the flowers are the two biggest ones:
Guys, please help !
I am growing my chillies for the first time and recently my plants started too bloom. 
First flower opened and i ve made hand/finger pollination as I watched on youtube.
After couple of days flower leaves felt down. Is it ok or the should stay until fruit will appear ?

Here are some pic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1451977_10202548816870347_319753523_n.jpg?oh=01bea448fc385310a7eeabd7a54d26ea&oe=529B518C&__gda__=1385990321_63a6502ea973bd6c4c382bcef59e3c57
A flower does not always mean a pod especially if its the first flowers the plant produces. Scroll up there is already some good information in here.
Ananyev3000 said:
Guys, please help !
I am growing my chillies for the first time and recently my plants started too bloom. 
First flower opened and i ve made hand/finger pollination as I watched on youtube.
After couple of days flower leaves felt down. Is it ok or the should stay until fruit will appear ?

Here are some pic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1451977_10202548816870347_319753523_n.jpg?oh=01bea448fc385310a7eeabd7a54d26ea&oe=529B518C&__gda__=1385990321_63a6502ea973bd6c4c382bcef59e3c57
usually when that happens a pod grows out of that.  Usually when my flowers fall of its from the stem.
3rrorist,your plants look great,leave them alone. You will never get 100% of blossoms to set indoors. Keep circulating air,it's good for more reasons than just pollinating. I doubt your basement is much cooler than 60°,if it is at all.
3rrorist said:
Well I'm currently using General Hydroponics MaxiBloom already. 
General Hydroponics is one of the Nute. that I will never use again, I only had trouble with it, I know a lot of people like it but I don't..
I am using Earth Juice Bloom 3-26-22 now and really like it. it's a little early but it looks like the Red Ghost Scorpion has set it's first flowers and a bunch of flowers open, so I am pretty excited about that.   