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For your (NOT my) entertainment..

Two nights ago I was playing around with some pure bhut powder. I didnt touch it with my bare hands, just with a spoon. About an hour after I was done I took the dog, Rudy, out in the back to do his thing (I just stand by the door and he runs off with no leash).. while standing in the rainy damp moonlight I rub my eye. FML I ran inside tearing out of my right eye while its squeezed shut yelling at Johnny to get Rudy from outside (he will take himself for a walk if hes unattended) so johnny starts freaking out "where is he, whats wrong with your face?!" I could only imagine what he was thinking.. perhaps someone decked me in the face and the dog ran off? lol I dont know, but it was chaos and I had no idea what to do to fix it other than just sit and wait it out. I was totally panicing and thought I was going to go blind.

Good news, im not blind.

Ones pain is anothers laugh. Enjoy.

xo Nicole
No laughing at that Nicole! Deliberately injesting a superhot and then rolling around in pain deserves to be laughed at. Being careful but still getting it in the eye.....NOT FUNNY!

Glad your eye is OK. Similar thing happened yesterday to the kid, he brushed up against something out in the salsa kitchen and rubbed his eye. Had his head stuck under the faucet for about 10 minutes waiting for it to subside.

Not funny indeed. But my friend who was sniffing some naga powder and a flake went in his eye and i was laughing at him. It wasnt too bad for him. Just for a minute and a red eye.
That's just downright painful. I can laugh at almost any pepper burn but the eyes is no joke. That just hurts.

Got myself in the nose last night. I never learn.
That's just downright painful. I can laugh at almost any pepper burn but the eyes is no joke. That just hurts.
Obviously you've never accidentally touched yourself somewhere else after handling hot peppers (let's just say, needed to go to the dunny real bad one time). Now THAT is no joke! :lol:
Obviously you've never accidentally touched yourself somewhere else after handling hot peppers (let's just say, needed to go to the dunny real bad one time). Now THAT is no joke! :lol:

Actually I have.. multiplpe times, lol. In multiple spots. I rarely use gloves and often make mistakes. It's muuuch more painful than getting it in the eye, yes. But getting it in the eye makes me worry more.

Getting ghost pepper on the marbles is disasterous. Habanero made me cry, haha.
that's not entertaining. that's brutal! i was taking seeds out of fresh bhuts last year and i got it in my eye. i thought i was gonna die! it hurt sooo bad! i had just got daves insanity in my eye the week before but the bhut was 10 times worse! i'm glad your ok. got to watch those powders. they have a way of getting where thy're not supposed to!
Obviously you've never accidentally touched yourself somewhere else after handling hot peppers (let's just say, needed to go to the dunny real bad one time). Now THAT is no joke! :lol:

Whats a "dunny"? Not familiar with that Aussie lingo. :o) And as to "touching your marbles" Im pretty confident I could never suffer from this one.. point 1 for girls being built better, woman 1 men 0.. thanks God.

Also.. I was even laughing at it.. but it def. would have been more enjoyable if it were someone else and I wasnt also suffering. You guys are kind not to laugh.. I suppose I do have a more sick humor than the rest of the world, I find this to be a common thread in life.

Poor thing!!!!!

I did something similar with an entire blender full of scalding-hot nagas and habs fresh off the stovetop....

....only it wasn't just my eyes. :eek:

Yes, I'm an idiot.
Sorry to hear that, glad your feeling better. I have IOLs, so I cannot rub my eyes at all for the rest of my life. So, that would kinda suck for me.
FML will I ever learn? Well guys.. I've done it again. Less than a week. I posted a pic on the facebook of my torture. Its on both "Nicole Ramsperger" and "heartbreaking dawns" ... f me. f me. f me.
Ok first time you get sympathy, second time we get to giggle--a little-under our breath.

You're a great sport Nicole, even if you don't have any marbles.