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freezing peppers ?

I just want to know your alls. How do you guys prefer freezing your peppers? Can you store them in the freezer whole? How long have they lasted for you all? preferences? thanks for the info
I cut them in half just to make sure there isnt any mold or bad spots in them and then I put them in the freezer in vacuum sealed bags. I use the foodsaver brand vacuum sealer and it has worked really well for me. Salsalady had a great idea (that I didn't do) and that is to put them in a single layer on a cookie sheet or something similar until they are frozen then stick them in the same bag after they are frozen. That way they don't stick together and if you just want one pepper then you don't have to break them apart.

As for how long they last, I've had peppers in the freezer since last year and just used some the other day and they were fine. I would imagine as long as you keep air out of the bag they'd last for a pretty long time. Just watch for when you thaw them out they will basically turn to mush
I do what coheed said except instead of a sheet as suggested by salsalady I put them all in a bag/ziploc and in the freezer. Next day they come out and go into a vac seal bag and then back in the freezer. When needed, open bag, give it a tap and they are single pieces..no block. 2 years ago I did the same without the precut or de-capping and while doing inventory of the freezer left one out by accident(the only one I set on top of it). 2 hours later I discovered it and put them back in the fridge. 2 months later I opened it....block of smooshed peppers encased in frozen capsaisin juices. It went straight in the trash. If you have one set out like that the only chance I think would be to open, refreeze loose, then vac seal.
I rinse them off, cut them in half, de-seed, leave sitting on a towel for a few minutes so excess rinse water is absorbed away and place them loosely in the bag before freezing. After freezing, a whack on the counter will break them back into individual peppers then I open the bag, evacuate excess air and put back in the freezer. I usually use them up within two years and they seem ok for that period. If I find a bag I mislocated for longer than that I just throw them out as I have others to eat.