Fresh Bhut Jolokia

We are growing Ghost Peppers (Bhut Jolokia), at Urban Till corp. We currently have over 300 Bhut Jolokia plants that where grown from NMSU Chili Institute seeds. As we are a new industrial indoor hydroponic farming company we are utilizing Rocket Hub to pre sale our first harvest in hopes of accelerating the number of plants we can get into production at this early stage. We expect our first harvest in mid summer 2012. The way Rocket Hub works is you fuel projects (make a financial contribution) and in return get a reward. Here are some of the rewards you can earn (Bhut Jolokia you can pre order).

Fuel $10 or more:

Any contribution of $10 receives: 1 Fresh Ghost Pepper
Fuel $20 or more:

Any contribution of $20 receives: 5 Fresh Ghost Peppers
Fuel $75 or more:

Any contribution of $75 receives: 1 Pound of Fresh Ghost Peppers
Fuel $150 or more:

Any contribution of $150 receives: 3 Pounds of Ghost Peppers
Fuel $250 or more:

Any contribution of $250 receives: 5 Pounds of Fresh Ghost Peppers

Our first harvest is earmarked to fulfill Rocket Hub rewards. Order some peppers today and help a new company get off the ground. We look forward to supplying fresh rare peppers to pepper lovers everywhere 12 months out of the year in the future!

To order your Fresh Bhut Jolokia today go to http://www.rockethub...93&q=urban+till

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you.


Brock and Todd
Urban Till Corp.
Watch Us Grow: https://www.facebook...933?ref=tn_tnmn
I would suggest posting around a little bit and getting to know people before you try to raise funds in return for gifts. Your first post is solicting for money which raises all kinds of red flags for me......On a side note, good luck!
Kyle I appreciate the feedback. It is a valid point in which a good message board is a strong community. I can very easy see how a outsider from that community (one being brand new) "soliciting funds" could be seen as shady.

We are simply two guys that have started a urban farming company trying to get it off the ground. Thanks for the well wishes we would love for you to follow our progress. (https://www.facebook...933?ref=tn_tnmn) We hope to both learn from this community and in the near future share some of our experiences with growing peppers indoors utilizing hydroponics on a large scale.


May be a hard marketplace on here as a lot of us grow them and during harvest they tend to flow like water finding the low spots in a garden.

We do love pics though and your operation sound very interesting.