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Friend is giving me some Bhut's, what do I do with them!

I have a guy that comes into my restaurant that is going to bring me 2 naga plants within the next 2 weeks or so

I have a garden in my back yard for tomatoes, cucumbers, veggies of random sorts and what not

Can I plant the peppers near them, or do they have to have their own separate growing conditions compared to the rest of the stuff I am growing out there.
patrick said:
What are they? First you call them Bhut Jolokia's then you call them Naga's. Two different animals.

genetically they are the same animal, or since were splitting hairs actually not an animal or mineral but a vegetable :P lol
The only thing you would have to worry about is if you were placing them amongst other peppers but in this case your fine. Throw them in your garden anywhere and let them make some friends :D