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Frozen Pod suggestions?

Hi All,
I have several freezer bags of fatalis, bhuts, and assorted habanero types from last year's harvest.  My significant other has a strict rule on not cooking a bunch of these in the house for sauce because it tends to send everyone into those lovely coughing fits. 
What can I do to these frozen pods that will not involve any activity where I will be cooking the actual peppers?
Suggestions appreciated!
Well since I'm not not giving up my sauce, nor my significant other, I pick a day that no one will be home, cutting, and caramilizing onions and peppers can be brutal, after a few times I got used to it, not amune by any means, open windows with a fan pulling out of the kitchen helps, and ive done mine in 18 pounds of pepper batches in my kitchen
Do it anyways. Tell them they need to suck it up or get out. :)
If you dehydrate them, they will be bitter when you cook them into a sauce. I can always tell right away if a sauce used dry peppers vs fresh peppers.
I spent 2 days last week using up my frozen pods. I smoked them for 3 1/2 hours using pecan wood then dehydrated prior to grinding into sone lovely flakes and powder. I found the dehydrating process to be pleasant, as it filled the house with a smoky smell rather than the usual gag-me superhot stench (most pods were supers with some thais and serranos in there as well).
thanks, guys!  I have them sitting on the dehydrator right now.  It isn't over-powering at all.  I suppose it will maybe make it easier to share them with friends now, too!
pepperdan said:
Well since I'm not not giving up my sauce, nor my significant other, I pick a day that no one will be home, cutting, and caramilizing onions and peppers can be brutal, after a few times I got used to it, not amune by any means, open windows with a fan pulling out of the kitchen helps, and ive done mine in 18 pounds of pepper batches in my kitchen
Same situation here, plan a batch of sauce around everyone being gone for a while.  Not only does a fan in the window help but also one next to the work area making it a little friendlier to remain in.