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Fungus Gnats eaten by .....

While watching my seedlings under my CFL lights I pondered a way to get rid of the hundreds of Gnats that were flying around my plants. I searched the internet and found a few articles that suggested filling a cup full of vinager and putting it near the plants. This actually worked pretty good and within a few days the cup had about 50 or so dead gnats inside. Although it was a good number of dead gnats it seemed like only a fraction of what was still running around the soil of my poor seedlings. Then I noticed something odd. I started seeing what looked like regular old flies. First just a couple and then all of a sudden about thirty or so. I was like oh great....... Now the gnats have taken the super mario mushroom and went super saiagyn. Then i began to watch closely.. To my suprise the flies, which i later found out are european hunter flies were actually catching the gnats mid air and eating them alive. I instantly removed all the glasses of vinegar from around my plants because i wished the gnats a more brutal ugly death for touching my seedlings. I have no clue where these hunter flies appeared from because germany is in the middle of the coldest month since 1929. Anyway, I am glad they arrived and hope they are have big appetites.
Man, you gotta catch 'em, breed 'em and send us a bunch!
If they dont kill ALL of your fungus gnats, try mosquito dunks. The gnats will still lay eggs in the soil. Trust me, it happened to me last season. I dont know if you can get them in Germany. If you can, get them, crumble them up, spread the stuff on the soil, water, and they will die, including the eggs. At least they did for ME.